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放下小娃子。Put the little runt down!

再接着,他可以跑步了。T hen again, he can runt he.

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连想都别想,小畜生。Don't even try, you little runt.

动物会丢弃最弱小的幼仔。Animals reject the runt of the litter.

你的小鬼怎么能杀了我的罗特韦尔犬?。How could your little runt kill my Rottweiler?

“这样说吧,”她的妈妈回答道,“这些刚出生的猪崽中有一只发育不良。"Well, " said her mother, "one of the pigs is a runt.

“我想要那一只,”小男孩指着那只弱小的狗崽说。"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.

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瓜过顶植株都是僵苗。All plants with overhead melon phenomenon were runt seedlings.

“我想要那一只,”小男孩指着那只弱小的狗崽儿说。"I want that one, " the little boy said, pointing to the runt.

又高大又健康,没有一个带病或矮小的,尽管博伊德只有五英尺十英寸高。Big and healthy and not a sickly one or a runt among them, though Boyd is only five feet ten.

其中三个孩子长得又高又帅,但是第四个也就是最小的的儿子长得又丑又矮。Three of the children are tall and good-looking, but the fourth and youngest is an ugly runt.

就像操场上某个调皮小鬼为了保护心目中那个手无寸铁的”小孩子“一样,于是他去咬人。He bit like a playground runt to protect the defenseless little person he thought himself to be.

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他眸子晶亮,紧紧的看住他的小东西。有火苗在眸底闪烁。He the Mou son is crystal bright, tightly see his runt. There is flame flicker being at the Mou bottom.

其中三个孩子长得很高,很漂亮,而且都是运动健将,但是第四个,也就是最小的孩子像是个丑陋的侏儒。Three of the children are tall, good looking and athletic, but the fourth and youngest is an ugly runt.

“他说,”你先回屋去,等下我就把小猪带进去,让你像喂婴儿一样,用奶瓶喂它。You go back to the house and I will bring the runt when I come in. I'll let you start it on a bottle, like a baby.

在一个寻常的谷仓,寻常的猪,发育不良。身边有朋友们,迎接他的第二个春天。And in an ordinary barn, an ordinary pig, a runt no less, stood surrounded by friends, welcoming his second spring.

骡子背上的一只筐子里装着三只小狗,杰克的怀里还抱着一个,这小子非常喜欢小狗。Three puppies belonging to one of the blue heelers went in a pack basket, the runt inside Jack's coat, for he loved a little dog.

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“这样说吧,”她的爸爸说到,“由于他是一窝中最小的猪崽,那你就告诉你的霍莫叔叔说你有一头猪,你想卖六美元,然后看他怎么说吧。”"Well, " said her father, "he's a runt. Tell your Uncle Homer you've got a pig you'll sell for six dollars, and see what he says. "

这不仅因为他年龄最大,还是因为他是个矮子,”斯图尔特这样说,对自己那六英尺的个头儿自豪。She never did beat Boyd much because he’s the oldest and besides he’s the runt of the litter, ” said Stuart, proud of his six feet two.

常见于低洼棉田地段,长时间的阴雨形成渍害僵苗,导致根系变黑,叶片灰绿,生长缓慢。Common in low-lying cotton lot, rain formation of waterlogged runt seedling in a long time, causing root black, leaves grey-green, slow growth.