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喂,热拉尔团长在这儿吗?Tell me, is Colonel Gerard here?

杰勒德不再头晕,但非常烦躁。Gerard was no longer lightheaded, but very irritable.

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玛格丽特和杰勒德彼此畏怯地望了一眼。Margaret and Gerard cast a scared look at one another.

但这对霍利尔产生不利影响。But they will have the reverse effect on Gérard Houllier.

杰拉德试图打开床头灯,但灯没亮。Gerard tried the light on the nightstand, but it was out.

我不吃惊霍利尔想到了他。I am not surprised that Gerard Houllier thought about him.

热拉尔教会我很多,他给予我为利物浦上阵的自信。Gerard taught me a lot and he gave me the confidence to play.

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乔迪•杰勒德在十岁的时候决定要找一份工作。Jody Gerard was 10 years old when he decided he needed a job.

然而,谢拉毕拿饰演的魅影或许令不少观众失望。However, Gerard Butler may disappoint many audiences as the Phantom.

他和赫拉德皮克被看作是弗格森的最有前途的青年人才。He and Gerard Piqué are seen as Ferguson's most promising young talents.

那简直是垃圾,”阿利亚出版社的杰勒德•贝莱比如是说。It's simply rubbish, " said Gerard Berreby, from Allia publishing house."

在来英格兰之前,我有望加盟里昂,在2005年,和霍利尔一起。Before England I was supposed to join Lyon, with Gerard Houllier, in 2005.

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另外一边,杰拉德-霍利尔所带领的维拉队本轮却是无欲无求。Meanwhile, Gerard Houllier's Villa side have nothing tangible to play for.

就像拉法和霍利尔刚来球队的时候一样,现在每个人都有所提升。Just like when Rafa Benitez and Gerard Houllier came in, everyone got a lift.

同时,霍利尔从里昂带来了他非常了解的JeanMakoun。Gerard has also brought in Jean Makoun from Lyon, a player he obviously knows well.

如同霍利尔,霍奇森的战术本质上主要是防守。Like Gérard Houllier, Hodgson's tactical instincts were essentially defensive in nature.

“当昨天我们还在崇拜他们的时候,今天我们就不会消灭我们的英雄。”杰拉尔德-霍利尔。"We don't destroy our heroes today when we worshipped them yesterday. " Gerard Houllier.

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下半场的有一瞬间,侯力尔想必感觉重回了安菲尔德。Just for a moment in the second half, Gérard Houllier must have been back at Anfield again.

阿斯顿维拉主帅杰拉德·霍利尔称,斯蒂利延·彼得罗夫在队中位置不能得到保证。Aston Villa boss Gerard Houllier says Stiliyan Petrov's place in the team is not guaranteed.

杰拉尔·德帕迪约吃着煎饼,还得到两个小猫,他说一切都非常美好。Gerard Depardieu ate pancakes, was given two kittens, and said everything was very beautiful.