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作为一位军事家,他必须有战术意识。As a militarist , he must have tactical awareness.

日本军国主义者发动了全面侵华战争。Japan militarist launched the all-sided war of invading China.

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这些动机使我变成强烈的和平主义者与反黩武主义者。All these motives have made me a passionate pacifist and anti militarist.

圣马丁是拉丁美洲独立运动中涌现出的著名军事家。San Martin was an outstanding militarist in the Independence Movement of Latin America.

靖国神社是日本军国主义对外侵略扩张的精神支柱。Yasukuni Shrine is the spiritual pillar of Japanese militarist aggression and expansion.

此外,日本的政治局势导致日本在1920年代转向右翼军国主义。In addition the political situation in Japan veered to the militarist right in the 1920's.

而大多数人也同时希望他们的首相能在祭奠日前往靖国神社。But most also wanted the prime minister to visit Yasukuni, Tokyo’s militarist shrine, on remembrance day.

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如今周恩来承认日本与美国的关系抑制了日本的军国主义倾向。Zhou-Enlai now acknowledged that Japan's ties to the United States braked militarist tendencies in Japan.

李牧是战国末年赵国的卓越军事家,战国末年东方六国中唯一能与秦军抗衡的将领。Li Mu is a famous militarist of Zhao. He is only one general who could resist Qin's army in the late Warring States.

日本对待过去军国主义对外侵略历史的态度同欧洲彻底清算纳粹罪行的立场形成鲜明对比。Japan's attitude toward its past of militarist aggression contrasts sharply with that of Europe which made a thorough condemnation of Nazi crimes.

中国,韩国和一些其它亚洲国家将靖国神社看作日本军国主义历史和该国对战时暴行缺乏悔悟的标志。China, Korea and some other Asian countries see the Yasukuni Shrine as a symbol of Japan's militarist past and the country's lack of contrition for wartime atrocities.

所以如今美国面临两个明白的要挟,一个是正在停止的十分规恐惧主义要挟和与之相关的阿富汗和平,另一个是正在崛起的军国主义中国的要挟。So now the US is faced with two clearly defined threats, the ongoing unconvential terrorist threat that is coupled with the Afhan war and arising militarist Chinese threat.

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2008年10月几内亚的宪政秩序再次受到侵犯,宪政之路充满了流血,试图恢复宪政军人冒险者和公众的言论受到禁止。Once again, constitutional order in Guinea was violated in December 2008, and it is with a bath of blood that this militarist adventure with popular undertones is being pursued.

曾国藩是中国近代史上著名的政治家、军事家和外交家,同时又是中国儒家文化的集大成者和洋务运动的开山人物。Zeng Guofan is an outstanding politician, militarist and diplomat in the modern history of China and a prominent thinker of China's Confucian culture and the founder of Yangwu movement.

日本政府和国策会社对南洋华侨的调查,是日本军国主义“南进”政策发展的产物。Studies of the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia undertaken by the Japanese government and the National Policy Association were an outcome of Japan's militarist policy of "southward advance."

由于小泉纯一郎坚持他“神鬼会在意”的理由而参拜代表军国主义的靖国神社,日本与其邻国的关系在其任内不断恶化。Japan's relations with its neighbours deteriorated under the leadership of Mr Fukuda's predecessor but one, Junichiro Koizumi, with his devil-may-care visits to the militarist Yasukuni war shrine.

在福田的前任的领导下,日本与邻国关系恶化,特别是由于小泉纯一郎不顾一切地参拜军国主义的靖国神社。Japan’s relations with its neighbours deteriorated under the leadership of Mr Fukuda’s predecessor but one, Junichiro Koizumi, with his devil-may-care visits to the militarist Yasukuni war shrine.

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他在第二次世界大战结束50周年之际,作为日本首相首次就日本军国主义侵略历史问题发表了著名的“村山谈话”。On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, as Japanese Prime Minister he delivered the well-known "Tomiichi talks" on the historical issue of Japanese militarist aggression.

值得回顾的是,外国的经济压力、爱国热情、军力上升曾让一度自由化的日本变成20世纪30年代扩张主义、军国主义和超民族主义的日本。It is worth recalling that foreign economic pressures, patriotic fervor and rising military power made a once liberal Japan into the expansionist, militarist and hyper-nationalist Japan of the 1930s.

两年前日本当时的首相小泉纯一郎参拜位了位于东京的军国主义寺庙“靖国神社”,从而引发了中国国内的反日浪潮。Japan's relations with China are much improved since the anti-Japanese riots two years ago sparked by visits by the then prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, to Yasukuni, Tokyo's militarist war shrine.