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我的耳朵痛。I have an earache.

我的耳朵痛得很厉害。I've got bad earache.

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佐治的耳痛。George has an earache.

他主诉有耳痛。He complained of an earache.

她讲她耳朵痛。She says she has an earache.

海伦她母亲的耳朵疼痛不已。Helen's mother got an earache.

她讲,她有一个耳朵痛。She says that she has an earache.

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她耳朵痛。她听不到我说话。She's got an earache. She can't hear me.

对他的耳痛医生怎么说?Always see a doctor if you have an earache.

你耳朵疼吗?能听得清吗?Do you have an earache? Do you hear clearly?

擤鼻涕太用力会造成耳痛。Blowing your nose too hard can cause earache.

我的耳朵已经痛了一个星期了。I have been having an earache for about a week.

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我和堂兄一起来的,他耳朵很疼。I came along with a cousin who has terrible earache.

我耳朵痛,你能告诉我需要看哪个医生吗?I have an earache. Can you tell me which doctor I need to see?

中耳外伤有流血、耳聋、耳鸣、耳痛,偶有眩晕。Ear trauma is bleeding, deafness, tinnitus, earache , occasional dizziness.

该疾病还会引起内耳的压力增加,从而导致剧烈的耳痛。The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear leading to severe earache.

您可以通过吞咽口水或吃点糖果减轻疼痛,等飞机平飞后您就会好一点。You can relieve your earache by swallowing and by eating sweets. You may feel better when plane stops climbing.

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您感到耳朵痛是由于气压改变的缘故。嚼块口香糖或糖果就会好些。You feel pains in your ear because of a change in air pressure. You can relieve earache by chewing gum or candy.

这些动作都能促进耳咽管合并,调整内耳压力,减轻或防止耳痛。These movements can promote the eustachian tube merge, adjusts the internal ear pressure, reduces or prevents the earache.

请别担心。这是由于气压的改变引起的。您可以通过吞咽口水或吃点糖果减轻疼痛,等飞机平飞后您就会好一点。Don't worry. That was because of a change in air pressure. You can relieve your earache by swallowing and by eating sweets. You may feel better when plane stops climbing.