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谦逊是一种良好的品质。Modesty is a sweet quality.

假定,他懂得礼貌。Presumably, he felt modesty.

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端庄可为女人增添光彩。Modesty is ornament of woman.

他因谦虚而赢得盛赞。He won praises for his modesty.

端庄可为妇女增添光彩。Modesty is the ornament of woman.

谦虚是没有什么错的。There’s nothing wrong with modesty.

林先生叹一口气苦笑着,算是谦逊。Mr. Lin sighed and smiled in wry modesty.

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绝大部分的射手座人都很谦虚。Most Sagittarians are enveloped in modesty.

他是出于谦虚才弹成这副德行?Is it modesty that makes him play like this?

缺少谦虚就是没有知识。Scantiness of modesty is short of knowledge.

他的谦逊无疑使民众倾心。His modesty certainly appealed to the public.

Tangney认为谦逊也不等同于谦虚。Humility is not modesty either, Tangney argues.

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谦逊虽是美德,羞怯却是缺点。Tho modesty is a virtue, bashfulness is a vice.

我还很敬佩姚明的成熟与谦逊。I also admired Yao for his maturity and modesty.

她是少女端庄娴雅的楷模。She was the example of maiden modesty and grace.

别那么拘谨--你谦虚得太过分了!Don't be such a prude you can carry modesty too far!

科学没有什么谦虚不谦虚的问题。With science, modesty or immodesty is not the issue.

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谦逊固为美德,羞怯却是瑕疵。Though modesty be a virtue , yet bashfulness is a vice.

尽管谦虚是一种美德,但害羞就成了缺点。Though modesty be a virtue , yet bashfulness is a vice.

我认为她最大的两个优点是她的爱心和谦虚。Akey's two best traits are her modesty and loving heart.