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它的监狱。Its jail.

你们锁在监狱里了。You’re in jail.

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他仍然待在监狱。He is still in jail.

有两名至今还在监狱。Two are still in jail.

县监狱囚犯搜索。Find County jail inmates.

他们可以让我去坐牢,反正我付不起。They can take me to jail.

爱是囚牢还是自由?Is love a jail or freedom?

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终令波锒铛入狱。Finally make waves in jail.

玛丽·温克勒现已获释出狱。Mary Winkler is out of jail.

他们把他押到监狱。They carted him off to jail.

为了这些东西而冒坐牢的风险可不太值得。Hardly worth risking jail for.

从敌人的监狱逃路。Break away from the enemy jail.

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目前,琼斯与维克都在监狱服刑。Jones and Vick are now in jail.

他已在这所监狱里服刑五年。He has done five years in the jail.

人们去坐牢便是履行我的思考。People go to jail for doing what I do.

警察局长李刚儿子获刑6年。Policeman's son gets 6-year jail term.

时间机器把你放在了监狱。A time machine that dropped you in jail.

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正被关在少年监狱。Magee was being held in a juvenile jail.

注惫监侧血箱。Pours the exhausted jail side blood box.

不要走邪道,否则会坐牢。Don't go away, otherwise will go to jail.