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艾琳爱好炫耀和虚荣。Aileen loved show and glitter.

艾琳和希尔比再没说过话。Aileen and Selby never spoke again.

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爱玲漫不经心地玩弄着扇子。Aileen toyed aimlessly with her fan.

你好,我是艾琳,安德鲁的姐姐。Hello, I'm Aileen , Andrew's sister.

爱玲立刻开始发泄她的感情。Eg. Aileen began at once to unburden her feelings.

自从他疏远了爱玲以后,他是很孤单的。Since he had alienated Aileen , he was quite alone.

爱玲以明彻、带着询问的神情和犹豫的眼光望着他。Aileen looked at him with clear, questioning, uncertain eyes.

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乐婷清醒后哭着对家骏说些陷诬陷艾琳的话。Lokting awake after crying in some words to frame Aileen Jun.

艾琳多才多艺,是一位出类拔萃的女演员。Aileen stands out for her incredible versatility as an actress.

首先,我们必须想出个办法来转移爱玲的注意。But first of all , we must think of a way to distract the attention of Aileen.

这样,爱玲就永远断绝了与这个旧世界的长期关系。Thus ended forever for Aileen this long-continued relationship with this older world.

爱玲神气活现地走了进来,她苗条的身躯照常穿得很华丽。Aileen came briskly , vigorously in, her beautiful body clothed as decoratively as ever.

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同时,就爱玲说来,事情显然正在发生一些另外的变化。At the same time, so far as Aileen was concerned things were obviously shaping up for additional changes.

乐婷怀疑艾琳和甘雅可能是母女关系,请颂德调查。Lokting suspect Aileen and Kennedy is probably the mother daughter relationship, please survey to germany.

行为介入者艾琳•奥尔说,她小时辰听身为苏格兰甲士的祖父说过这只熊的故事。Campaigner Aileen Orr said she first heard about the bear as a child from her grandfather, a Scottish soldier.

艾琳派人将家骏绑架到游艇上,家骏愤怒的将艾琳丢入海里,留下游泳圈便开船离去。Aileen sent home chun to kidnap the yacht, Jun angry will Aileen into the sea, leaving the swimming ring will sail away.

艾琳得知家骏发现甘雅就是她的亲生女儿,决定将过去的一切都告诉家骏,希望他能好好照顾甘雅一辈子。Aileen found that home Chun Ganya is her own daughter, decided to tell all the past home Jun, hope he can take care of a lifetime kennedy.

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张爱玲小说的时空营造与中外文化之关系,是一个值得人们瞻视的研究课题。The relationship between the construction of time and space in Aileen Zhang's novels and Chinese-foreign cultures is a worthwhile research subject.

艾琳为阻止家骏和甘雅联络两人互相拉扯,躲在家骏房内的乐婷用手机偷拍一切,并在公司散布照片。Aileen to stop home Ganya two janher contact pull each other, hiding in the room of the home Chun Yue ting with mobile phone videotaping everything, and spread the photos in the company.

神经科学家艾琳•安德森与她在加州大学欧文分校「李维─欧文研究中心」的研究小组,使用取自流产胎儿神经中枢组织的干细胞。Neuroscientist Aileen Anderson and her team at the Reeve-Irvine Research Centre at the University of California, Irvine, used stem cells taken from the neural tissue of aborted foetuses.