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他们放牛去吃草。They turned out cows to pasture.

马被拉出去吃草。The horse was put out to pasture.

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有牛在草场上吃草。Cattle are grazing on the pasture.

羊吃长草不能健壮。Sheep do not thrive on long pasture.

羊被赶进了牧场。The sheep were herded into the pasture.

这是羊吃草的好地方。It is a good place for goats to pasture.

清澈的溪水淙淙流过草地。A crystal stream ran through the pasture.

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每种生物都有自己的饲料或糕点。Each creature had his pasture or his mess.

如今,牧场只够放养10-30只牲畜。Now there is enough pasture for 10-30 only.

试验地用于绵羊的连续放牧。The pasture was continuously grazed by sheep.

在新英格兰的牧场上常可见到露在地面上的岩石。Rocks often crop out in New England pasture land.

昆士兰州,一群绵羊在牧场上吃草。A herd of sheep grazes in a pasture in Queensland.

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我们在那里看到一群群的牛在草地上吃草。There we saw herds of cows grazing on the pasture.

牧场上,凡是属于主的羊都强壮。All the sheep of His pasture fare so wondrously fine.

禽可以捡食户外或者牧场上的卵囊。Chicks can pick up oocysts both indoors and on pasture.

诗行降临灵魂,一如露水降落草场。And the verses fall on the soul like dew on the pasture.

我看到一些牛羊在青翠的牧场上吃草。I saw some cows and ship grazing in the verdant pasture.

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这老家伙不让他们在他的牧场上打球。The old geezer wouldn't let them play ball in his pasture.

你为何向你草场的羊发怒如烟冒出呢?Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?

那是一个富饶的,使人愉快的地方,材木苍然,牧草丰富。Itwas a pleasant fertile spot, well wooded and rich in pasture.