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俄耳甫斯径直就僵在了那里,但他并没有回转身。Orpheus froze in place, but he didn't turn around.

其中最广为流传的便是奥菲斯与尤丽黛丝的故事。One of the most popular is a story about Orpheus and Eurydice.

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其中最广为流传的便是奥菲斯与尤丽黛丝的故事。One of the most popular is a story about Orpheus and Eurydice.

俄耳甫斯致力于写优美的诗歌,在性方面保持节制。Orpheus devotes himself to his beautiful poetry, and he keeps himself sexually abstinent.

正式处于这个原因,奥菲斯从不演奏马勒、布鲁克纳或是柴可夫斯基等人的大型交响曲。For that reason, Orpheus does not play the big Mahler, Bruckner or Tchaikovsky symphonies.

的确,他替韵律分析提出一个抒情神话,可名之为「奥费斯情结」。Indeed, he suggests a lyric myth for Rhythmanalysis which could well be called the Orpheus complex.

当他们走向阳间,奥菲斯开始担心他的妻子没跟在他后头。While they were walking to the upper world, Orpheus became afraid that his wife was not behind him.

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Orpheus团队的成员很清楚沟通的力量,这也是该组织的生命线。The members of Orpheus know the power of communication, and it is the lifeblood of the organization.

当弥尔顿写道启明星,“不久便会修复他疲惫的头颅“,我们会想起俄耳甫斯,“…When the speaker writes that the day-star yet anon repairs his drooping head," we are reminded of Orpheus.

但是最终还是失败了,欧律狄刻的死使他万分悲痛,俄耳甫斯在余生中不再要女人相陪。The attempt failed and, saddened by Eurydice's death, Orpheus spent the rest of his life avoiding the company of women.

从很多方面来看俄耳甫斯像是个完美的诗人,因为他的诗有实际的作用。Orpheus in a lot of ways seemed like the perfect model of a poet because he had the power to do something with his poetry.

Orpheus乐团在国际上享有盛誉,他们定期在卡耐基音乐厅演出,甚至获得了格莱美奖。Orpheus is recognized internationally for it's excellence, regularly plays at Carnegie Hall, and has even won a Grammy Award.

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奥菲斯室内乐团始终在证明乐团的生命力比规模重要。凭借弦乐组苍劲有力的合音,奥菲斯弥补了其结构上的单薄。Orpheus proves that size is less important than vigour, and its string section's lush, powerful sound belies its small stature.

因此当俄耳甫斯的形象出现在这首诗中时,弥尔顿要讲的是他生平的后一段。And so when the figure of Orpheus appears in this poem, it's the second half of the Orpheus story that Milton is forced to tell.

俄耳甫斯在弥尔顿看来是诗人的模范,他严于律己,节制禁欲,让诗作更加出色。Orpheus had provided Milton with a paradigm of the poet, the poet whose discipline and whose abstinence nourished and strengthened his poetry.

俄耳甫斯试图将妻子欧律狄刻,从阴间救回,他用歌声迷惑了冥王。Orpheus was the poet who had attempted to bring his wife, Eurydice, back from the underworld, and he did that by charming Pluto with his song.

我们必须诉诸于比喻,从神话得来的比喻。尤利底斯的两次迷失,是我们能够找到的最有力的意象,关于奥费斯作为分析师与无意识之间的关系。To resort to a metaphor, drawn from mythology, we have, in Eurydice twice lost, the most potent image we can find of the relation between Orpheus the analyst and the unconscious.

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与Orpheus流程类似,Scrum可以释放出每个成员的激情,并且鼓励和允许他们创造出最好的软件产品。Scrum works in ways that are similar to the Orpheus Process to unleash the passion of each team member and encourage and empower them to create the best software product possible.

他的歌声是如此动听,整个大自然,都会随之翩翩起舞,这是到目前为止,弥尔顿的诗歌所讲述的俄耳甫斯的故事。He sang songs of such beauty that the entire natural world would move and dance in response. This is the story of Orpheus that we have received up to this point in Milton's poetry.

作为一名处女演说家,如果她选择释放自己的力量,她应该会有像俄耳甫斯一样的力量,使哑的东西也受到感动而有同情心,俄耳甫斯是弥尔顿最为称赞的有权利的神话传说诗人。As a virginal orator, should she choose to unleash her powers, she would have the power of an Orpheus moving dumb things to sympathize -- Orpheus being one of Milton's most prized mythological figures of the powerful poet.