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上帝那充满牢骚的召唤。God's querulous calling.

那小孩所抱怨的问题快令我发疯了。The childs querulous questions were driving me crazy.

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那个爱抱怨的老人不肯让人撇在一边。The querulous old man refused to be put on the shelf.

他用不耐烦的声音埋怨别人吵醒了他。He complained in a querulous voice about having been woken up.

所有成功的报纸都是不停地发牢骚的和好斗的。All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose.

我们都听到了格罗姆先生在远处发牢骚的声音。还有脚步声。We both heard Mr. Glum's voice, in the distance, querulous. And footsteps.

撇号在英国地名中的使用也是充斥抱怨的争论话题。The use of apostrophes in British place names is a subject of querulous debate.

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只是当认定发生背叛,哓哓将选择放弃所有。But when that happened betrayal querulous querulous will give up all their selection.

这次的病是非常厉害的,而且由于他平常不大生病,所以容易动怒,很难侍候。It was a very sharp attack, and because he was not used to illness, he was querulous and difficult.

美国国家研究机构正变得越来越贪婪和反覆无常,并且每年的要价也越来越高。The national academies are becoming ever more querulous and greedy, and require higher pay-offs each year.

这种性格在他与法耶德打交道不久后就遇到了考验,他发现法耶德是个脾气坏和吹毛求疵的老板。This temperament was soon tested in his dealings with Fayed, whom he found to be a querulous employer insistent on perfection.

这个女人长着一张他所谓“纽约嘴”―冷冰冰硬绷绷的嘴,紧张过度、牢骚不绝的嘴,一望而知是历尽苦楚,满怀怨恨。She had what he called the New York Mouth, a grim, set mouth, a strained, querulous mouth, a mouth that told of suffering and discontent.

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因此,在我把时间让给每一个性急的,向我索要时间的人,我们的时间就虚度了,最后你的神坛上就没有一点祭品.And thus it is that time goes by while I give it to every querulous man who claims it, and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last.

消极心态使人沮丧、失望,对生活和人生充满了抱怨,自我封闭,限制和扼杀自己的潜能。Negative attitude may make you depressed, disappointed, querulous at your life, and make you self-close, restrict and kill your own potential.

“我没法跟你说清楚我是谁,”他恼怒地哭了起来,“我才生下来几个小时——但我姓巴顿。”"I can't tell you exactly who I am, " replied the querulous whine , "because I've only been born a few hours--but my last name is certainly Button."

飘荡在令人毫无头绪的无人之境,我感觉到我的情绪游走于易怒与沮丧之间,而且无法集中注意力来面对问题。Adrift in a clueless no-man's-land, I felt my moods range from querulous to despondent. I couldn't muster the concentration to deal with the problem.

即使一向沉着、看上去似乎几周未睡的墨西哥卫生部长何塞·安吉尔·科尔多瓦·维拉洛博斯,在不久前某个晚上举行记者招待会上也发出些许抱怨。Even the Health Secretary, José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, a calm man who looks as if he hadn’t slept in weeks, appeared mildly querulous at a press conference the other night.

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他总要把它们拿去修理起来,但他若是去问雷斯脱鞋子坏在什么地方,雷斯脱总回答他说穿起来觉得不舒服了。Gerhardt was for having them repaired, but Lester answered the old man's querulous inquiry as to what was wrong "with them shoes" by saying that they weren't comfortable any more.

因此,我劝告那些性情苛酷、怨愤不平、和郁郁寡欢的人,如果他们希望能受人敬爱而自得其乐,他们就不可再去注意人家坏腿了。I therefore advise those critical querulous discontented unhappy people that if they wish to be respected and beloved by others& happy in themselves they should leave off looking at the ugly leg.

宾州的丰富的历史能让最吹毛求疵的势利鬼满意,从美国独立运动的诞生地费城,到标志着内战转折点的盖茨堡。There's enough history in Pennsylvania to satisfy even the most querulous Sob, from Philadelphia, birthplace of independent America, to Gettysburg, which marked the turning piont of the Civil War.