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事实上,IDSF从不对WDC的行为进行还击。In fact, IDSF never takes action in reaction to WDC.

看起来他们最近的状态不错,特别是最近的比赛给他们带来不少的信心,我们期待下吧。Seems to be in good shape for WDC judging by v1lat's confidence, but we'll see.

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WDC国标舞世界杯是由世界舞蹈总会授权中国地区举办最高级别赛事。World Cup is the highest level dance competition hosted by China with the authority of the WDC.

在每次由IDU或者IDSA举办的赛事上,你们都可以看到重要的WDC会员对于这些赛事的支持。At every Championship organized by IDU or IDSA you will see prominent WDC members supporting these events.

西数称这款产品主要面向数据中心和大型存储阵列应用场合。WDC says this is a "mission-critical class" drive, and will be targeting data centers and large storage arrays.

看到IPDSC成立的结果以及这次锦标赛的成功举办,WDC变得非常紧张。As a consequence of the establishment of IPDSC and the successful conduct of this Championship, the WDC is becoming very nervous.

目前该公司专家理财队伍不断壮大,在证券投资、资产管理等业务上已取得了较好的业绩。WDC boasts a number of experienced professional consultants in various fields and has achieved great results in all these events.

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似乎他们已经结束了升级计划,将工作重点转到2008赛季,对于他们而言车手冠军几乎遥不可及,而车队冠军已经到手了。It seems they've canned the upgrade and probably switched focus to 2008 seeing as the WDC is unreachable and the WCC is decided already.

尽管多次受到挑衅,IDSF在处理WDC以及它的会员制造的诸多麻烦时,一直都表现出对对方的极大尊敬以及极大克制。Despite all the provocations, IDSF has always shown great respect and exercised great restraint when dealing with difficulties created by WDC and its members.

在过去的两年里,WDC直接或间接地支持、促进,或者甚至试图影响一些国家设立新的IDU联盟,比如南非。During the last two years, WDC has directly or indirectly supported, promoted or even tried to influence in some countries the creation of new IDU federations such as South Africa.

既然WDC从来没认为我们2002年的“苏黎士备忘录”创建了一个权威机构,我们也只是在追求一种政策,通过与那些想与我们合作的职业人士的合作,来发展体育舞蹈。Since WDC has never considered our 2002 “Zurich Memorandum” to create one peak body, we are merely pursuing a policy to develop DanceSport by working with professionals who wish to work with us.