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她向我提供帆布床。She bunked me in cot.

我女儿有一张轻便单人床。My girl has a cot bed.

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这个娃娃在儿童床里。The doll is in the cot.

店Hayneedle幼儿床消防车。Cot fire Hayneedle shop.

我女儿有一张轻便单人床。My girl has got a cot bed.

他们为我铺好了一张小床。They had a cot set up for me.

我真的希望妈妈给我买那件外套。I do hope mom buys me tht cot.

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愿我的房子是山边的茅房。Mine be a cot beside the hill!

我的小屋将建在小山边。Mine be a cot beside the hill.

多少钱那件外套在窗口上的?。How much is tht cot in the window?

那幼儿在小床上呀呀自语,快活得很。The boy is prattling happily in his cot.

那农民给他的鸡搭了一间鸡舍。The farmer built a cot for his chickens.

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保姆从摇床抱起小孩。The nurse lifted a child out of his cot.

病房的另一头,放着一张空担架床。On the other side of the room was an empty cot.

折叠床的床尾横放着一条小毯子。A small blanket lay across the bottom of the cot.

别走开,如果宝宝从婴儿床里跌下来怎么办?。Don't go away. What if the baby fall out of her cot.

我要的折叠床还没有送到我的房间里。The cot I requested has not been delivered to my room yet.

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因此,PDE技术对于肺心病的早期诊断是有价值的。Thus, PDE technique is useful for early diagnosis of Cot Pulmonale.

当他还是一个婴儿的时候,他的父亲就在他的童床上面悬挂了一个网球。When he was an infant his father suspended a tennis ball above his cot.

我们在里面看到一个竹床和竹子的神坛,但是没有人。Inside, we saw a small bamboo cot and bamboo altar, but no one was there.