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真是费了不少的劲才发现我本来就不爱她。It was a marvellous effort of perspicacity to discover that I did not love her.

洞察力包括选择性编码、选择性比较、选择性联合。Perspicacity includes selective code, selective comparing and selective combining.

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错误地使用模糊的词语可以破坏别人对你语言敏锐的假象。Using an obscure word incorrectly can be deleteriousto your illusion of perspicacity.

他可能拥有洞察力和坚忍力,可以抓住和保有人生中最宝贵的东西。He may own the perspicacity and persistence to catch and keep the most valuable thing.

四频道的海外收购者以其惯有的洞察力预见到了观众的需求。Channel 4's overseas buyers have foreseen the audience demand with their usual perspicacity.

因为他的洞察力发挥到极端,它没有需要诉诸于跟高品味的文学同样的东西。Being extreme, his perspicacity has no need to resort to the same things as the highbrow literati.

追求真理的精神与直面现实的勇气使他具备敏锐发现与深刻洞察的能力。His spirit of pursuing the truth and his courage to face the reality equipped him with sharp perspicacity and insight.

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凭借着强烈的创业热情和敏锐的市场洞察力,以及坚韧不拔的奋斗意志,我们走过了不平凡的创业发展之路。Depending on strong career passion and sharp market perspicacity , and persistent struggle idea, we have walked uncommon career way.

作为一个杰出的军事家,伯承的战略眼光不仅表现在战场上面,也表现在他对我军现代化、正规化建设的高瞻远瞩。As an outstanding strategist, Bocheng demonstrated his perspicacity not only in directing battles but also in building a modern, regular army.

保罗·里维尔因策马狂奔传递警报而出名,这一点写在朗费罗的诗中,家喻户晓无人不知。然而他对历史的贡献更多地来自在他作为工匠的天分以及他的产业洞察力。Although most familiar as the hard-riding hero of Longfellow's poem, Paul Revere's claims to historical significance rest even more on his talent as a craftsman and on his industrial perspicacity.