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落后地区乡巴佬的时代已成过去。The era of the backwoods rube is gone.

他的毛是灰灰的,太土了。Wow, his feather is gray, it's too rube !

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在文章中两次使用“傻蛋”这个词?And using the term "rube" in an article twice?

觉得自己像个乡巴佬进城,却没人歧视我。I felt like a rube but nobody discriminated me.

我觉得自己像个乡巴佬进城,但没人歧视我。I felt like a rube but nobody discriminated me.

整洁干净而强加进一点品味的乡巴佬。A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste.

一个整洁干净而强加进一点品味的乡巴佬。A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste.

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任何比皮带短的东西都能是你像个土包子。Anything short of your belt makes you look like a rube.

这又是一个小题大做的机器,这台机器的样子将会像码头一样。Another Rube Goldberg machine, it was to be built like a pier.

我问鲁布她怎么能来这么华贵的地方吃饭。I asked Rube how she managed to afford to dine out at this swanky place.

你像一个土包子,一个干净、忙碌的有点品味的土包子。You look like a rube. A well-scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste.

系统更复杂了,被立法的是收保护费的黑帮。The system is more complex. What has been legislated is a Rube Goldberg contraption.

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混合那个和一些我们在哥德堡和在路上时看到的一些小众电影的特色。A cross between that and maybe a little-known film we saw on Rube Goldberg and his ways.

但是如果你对鲁布·戈德堡机器或视频诗没兴趣看看这个怎样?。But if Rube Goldberg machines and video poetry aren't quite your cup of tea, how about this.

这种机器看上去像是简单机器复杂化的严肃产物。They seem like terribly serious versions of what has come to be known as Rube Goldberg machines.

它们是大脑这个复杂的精神装置处理记忆的结果。They are a result of the way that the brain, a Rube Goldberg mental contraption, processes memory.

这儿太气派了,以至于鲁布再次求我能不能让她只戴一分钟我的首饰时,我把有垂饰的项链给了她。It looked so grand that when Rube asked me again if she could try myjewels on just for a minute, I offered her the pendant.

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最后的公式颇有几分神奇的鲁贝·哥德堡连动装置的样子,依靠某些巧合事件而起作用。The final formula had the appearance of being some miraculous Rube Goldberg collection of items that by some happy accident worked.

但比害怕更多的是气愤,气愤他们把我当傻瓜,气愤自己这么容易上当,我真像一个乡下人。But more than that, I was angry – at them for taking me for a fool, angry at myself for being a fool so easily taken. I had behaved like a rube.

同时对护栏管进行特殊处理,其防护等级可达IP65,有效保证了超越的防水性能。For guardrail rube require special treatment, its protection grade reaches IP65, effectively guarantee the transcendence of waterproof properties.