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他们可以自由地异议They were free to dissent.

老师笑着表示不同意。The teacher laughed her dissent.

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异议人士按叛国罪论处。Dissent was tantamount to treason.

我对这种不明智的意见全然持异议。I dissent altogether from such an unwise idea.

在他治下,异见者杀无赦。In his Libya, dissent was punishable by death.

他感觉她的肩膀扭动了一下,以示反对。He felt her shoulders give a wriggle of dissent.

斯卡利亚的异议是反亚里士多德派的异议Scalia's dissent was an anti-Aristotelian dissent

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那年头不容许对宗教信仰持异议。In those days, religious dissent was not tolerated.

异见和批评可能是苦药。Dissent and criticism can be bitter pills to swallow.

有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。The right to dissent is part of our political system.

为了对抗这种思维,我们可以培育权威的不同意见。We can combat groupthink by nurturing authentic dissent.

她谨防懦夫的暗箭,从挑衅中挖掘异议。She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance.

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他是个诚实的人,为不信教者的侵蚀所苦恼。He was an honest man, oppressed by the inroads of dissent.

2011年持异议的青年人岛屿之间的联系仍然有限。The bonds between 2011's islands of youth dissent remain limited.

似乎这个党派正在放弃其组织抗议的角色。It is as if the party is abdicating its role in organizing dissent.

第二个共性就是动员的工具不同。The second commonality has been the tools used to mobilise dissent.

当局对人身自由和异议发起了大规模镇压。Authorities launched a major crackdown on personal freedom and dissent.

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简而言之,它促使记者要自我审查,并且扼杀异议和辩论。In short, it encourages self-censorship and stifles dissent and debate.

中国当局最近对持有异议的民主人士发起了一轮较大规模的镇压。Chinese authorities have launched a major crackdown on dissent recently.

为什么仍然允许这个13世纪的法律压制合法的持不同政见者?Why is this 13th-Century law still permitted to stifle legitimate dissent?