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多吃些粗粮保持健康。Eat more roughage to keep healthy.

如果加上一种粗粮就更好了。It will be better if added a kind of roughage.

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假若便秘就应该多吃粗糙食物。If you're constipated you should eat more roughage.

非水溶性纤维,俗称“粗饲料”,打造健康的消化道。Insoluble fiber, commonly called "roughage", promotes a healthy digestive tract.

还有一些猫喜欢偶尔嚼嚼植物来摄取纤维素。Some cats enjoy chomping on plants every once in a while to get roughage or fiber.

粗粮的主食吃起来也肯定比白米白面慢。The main course of roughage will surely causes you longer time than the rice and flour.

便秘可以通过饮食纤维含量高的食物或粗粮得以预防。Constipation can be prevented by maintenance of a high fluid intake and a diet high in bulk and roughage.

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在各种食物当中,蔬菜和粗粮是最需要咀嚼,最占用就餐时间的。Among all kinds of food, vegetables and roughage are chewing needed and most time-consuming when you have dinner.

由于强烈渴望粗纤维质,以至于忍不住的时候,他们只好啃木头或是咬自己的皮,这样的生活真是十分悲惨!Their craving for roughage is so strong that they chew on wood and eat their own coats. Their lives are very distressing.

一般来说,上班族早上吃不到蔬菜和粗粮,中午的蔬菜数量也很少,全靠晚上来补足。Generally, office workers don't have vegetables and roughage in the morning, not much in the noon, so they make it up at night.

生活在没有采用麦秆做垫料的马厩中的马,更倾向于出现刻板行为,原因大概是麦秆也是一种粗纤维。Horses stabled on non-straw bedding are more likely to display stereotypic behaviors, possibly because straw can serve as roughage.

本研究旨在开辟非常规粗饲料资源,为科学饲养草食家畜提供技术指导和依据。This paper aims to open up new resources of roughage to provide the technical guidance and basis for scientific rearing of livestock.

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总之,全混合饲料育肥绵羊效果均优于农民传统饲养方式,精粗比例为5∶5的全混合饲料效果最佳。For fattening sheep, the total mixed feed was better than the traditional feeding , the best ratio of concentrate to roughage was 5∶5.

罗非鱼类原产于非洲和东南亚,具有生长迅速、耐粗食、肉质好等优点,目前已成为世界渔业的重要鱼品。The genus tilapia native to Africa and South-east Asia has been an important food fish in the world, which grows fast, eats roughage and tastes good.

在以干玉米秸为粗料和等代谢能条件下,研究了饲粮不同氮素来源对肉牛肥育效果的影响。A 60 day's experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary nitrogen source on beef cattle fattening as dried corn stalk was the only roughage.

研究不同品质粗饲料混合日粮及添加酵母培养物对瘤胃内几种主要纤维素酶酶活及纤维物质降解的影响。To studies the effect of different daily roughage quality and adding yeast culture on activities of? main celluloses and fiber digestion in the rumen of sheep.

另外,也可能会导致自己体内促进肠动菌的匮乏,这会影响人体对粗粮的摄取也会引起拉肚子。Another possible cause could be that you have a deficiency of the helpful intestinal bacteria, which hinders proper digestion of roughage and causes loose stools.

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正如广告所言,粗粮食品不仅仅富含营养,而且含有帮助消化和促进吸收的纤维素。As the advertisement says, food products with roughage are not only full of nutrition, but also contain fiber which helps you digest food and makes you feel full.

虽然一些猫咀嚼草或其它植物,但是生物学家认为这些粗纤维仅是用来助消化并且提供很有限的营养。Some cats munch on grass or other plants, but most biologists agree that such roughage serves only as a digestive aid and provides limited if any nutritional value.

通过调查和研究,分析了大庆市粗饲料的生产和供应能力,确定了影响大庆市粗饲料供应与利用的主要影响因素。Through the investigation and study on production and supply capability of roughage in Daqing city, main effect factors of supply and utilization of roughage were determined.