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查尔斯?庞兹是个可爱的人。CHARLES PONZI was a likeable man.

他是一个难能可贵而又可爱的年轻人。He is an estimable and likeable young fellow.

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你会因此成为一个更好、更可爱的人!You'll be a better, more likeable person for it!'

最近,一些Redditor分享了一些能够令自己变得更可爱的建议。Recently, some Redditors shared some advice for making yourself more likeable.

在多愁善感的心理学呓语之下,一部本有可能受到喜爱的电影挣扎欲出。Beneath the sentimental psychobabble, there's a likeable movie trying to get out.

换句话说,他是个稀罕的生物,令人印象深刻,又这般惹人喜爱。He was, in other words, one of those rare beings, as likeable as he was impressive.

是的,这些东西展示了一个强大的中国,但是强大并不意味着被喜欢。These show a China that is powerful, yes, but not necessarily one that is likeable.

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他也非常讨人喜欢,总会讲笑话,嘴上一直挂着微笑,He's also a very likeable person, you know, he's always telling jokes, always smiling,

他很有魅力而且讨人喜欢,这常让他能够为所欲为。His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.

主人公是一位可爱而又敬业的警察,经常缺少幽默感。The central character is a likeable and dedicated policeman with a dry sense of humour.

当今网坛安纳科恩毫无疑问是一个最易亲近最为人称道的教练。Annacone is unquestionably one of the most approachable, likeable coaches in tennis today.

实验让我们明确,到底哪一种人格更讨人喜欢是十分明显的。Experimenters made sure it was obvious which of the lecturers alter-egos was more likeable.

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特别讨人喜欢的人总是把时间花在别人身上,不管他们自己的日程有多忙。Highly likeable people always spare time for others, regardless of how busy their own schedules are.

杰尔斯在很多方面都是一个招人喜欢的小伙子,但恐怕有些纵酒。Charles is a very likeable fellow in many ways, but I'm afraid he's rather given to raising the elbows.

他们中的一些人是比较温和的比其他人的,当然,他们中的许多人都喜欢和用意良善。Some of them are more moderate than others, of course, and many of them are likeable and well-intentioned.

哥尔尼奇是一个可爱的人,他有时会得到忘乎,所以离奇谱辞,但他是一个很好的人。Gollnisch is a likeable person, he gets sometimes carried away by outrageous speech, but he's a good person.

也就是说,女性着红装也许可以显得更有吸引力,但这并不会让她们看起来更聪明或更可爱。That is, women wearing red may be appealing to date – but it didn’t make them seem smarter or more likeable.

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包括其他一些话题像是了解这个人的个性,以及这个人成为公司员工后受欢迎程度。Othe topics include delving into personality and determining how likeable the job seeker will be to the staff.

四个次被提名为最佳音乐剧。一个是“猫鼠游戏如果可以的话,”一个关于讨人喜欢的刑事搞笑表演。Four plays were nominated for Best Musical. One is "Catch Me If You Can, " a funny play about a likeable criminal.

这影星很有成就,因为他似乎始终是一名普通人-平凡,友好而且非常可爱。The film-star was successful because he always seemed to be the boy next door – ordinary, friendly and very likeable.