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对得住周围的一切?Periphery to lives all?

另一方面,美国在中国周边都画上了警戒线。On the other hand, the US cordons China's periphery.

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再看看,绿色和蓝色是末梢周围。And if you go to the green and blue, it is periphery.

在欧亚大陆周缘地带将出现三大势力。Three powers are emerging on the periphery of Eurasia.

人们还可以在湖的周围看到很多寺院。You can see gompas all around the periphery of the lake.

都在城市的边缘,and then there's the town, as, you know, on the periphery.

大家还记得我前面所说的手术,Remrember,I’,和末梢视觉吧。ve told you about the surgeries, ? and the periphery vision.

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1962年,中国在我们外围没有军事存在。In 1962, China had no military-related presence in our periphery.

坐在每支管弦乐队外围的是打击乐演奏者。Perching on the periphery of every orchestra is a percussion player.

最适合解放碑周围工作人士租用栖身。Suit to liberate personage of tablet periphery job to be hired most.

这是一个非常工人阶级的城镇,在爱尔兰很外围的地方。It was a very working-class town in Ireland, really on the periphery.

塔里木盆地及周缘发育八种断裂构造样式。There are 8 fault structural styles in Tarim Basin and its periphery.

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比纳泽喜欢先站在一群人的外面,然后再使用他的方法与他人交谈。Binazir likes to begin on the periphery of a crowd and work his way in.

的关于、位于或组成外部边界或周缘的。Related to, located in, or constituting an outer boundary or periphery.

每当黑夜来临的时候,当周围渐渐黑下来时。Whenever the dark night approaches, when periphery gets dark gradually.

卢碧将沿副热带高压脊向东北移动。LUPIT will move NE in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge.

莎莉嘉将沿副热带高压脊西北面向东北偏北移动。SARIKA will move NNE in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge.

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检测部分由N80C196KB单片机及相应外围芯片组成。The checking-up part includ N80C196KB SCM and corresponding periphery chips.

由周围五个村队筹资31万余元建成使用。Finances 310,000 Yuan by the periphery five village teams to complete the use.

主要生产调音台、功率放大器、音箱及周边设备。Mainly produce mixers, power amplifiers, loudspeakers and periphery equipments.