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文件尺寸。File size.

打开此文件。Open this file.

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整理一些文件。File some papers.

我可以把它锉平。I can file it smooth.

文件何处用过?WUF? Where Used File?

然后,部署该文件。Next, deploy the file.

查看已扫描文件。View the scanned file.

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保存文件然后退出。Save the file and exit.

输入一个有效的文件名称。Enter a valid file name.

那东西在档案中丢失了。It was lost in the file.

开启原始程式码档。Open a source-code file.

重命名文件。Renames a file or files.

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减少文件尺寸。Turn down the file size.

你懂不懂什么是锉子?You know what a file is?

关闭程序集文件。Closes the assembly file.

它就在档案柜里。It's in the file cabinet.

打印出每个文件名。Print out each file name.

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解冻文件系统。Unfreeze the file system.

定义档案栏位类型。Defines a file field type.

其次,将文件复制到其中。Next, copy a file into it.