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他正站在瞭望塔上。He is standing on the oversee tower.

政府必须帮助监督这次调整。Government must help oversee this recalibration.

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Dreamcatcher将监督生产过程。Dreamcatcher will oversee the production process.

协助督导、理整个区域的前期生产。To oversee and manage all area's of pre-production.

艾哈茨将负责指导实验室的启动与检验工作。Eyharts will oversee laboratory activation and checkout.

不监督员工就是对他们敞开你的钱包。Not to oversee workmen, is to leave them your purse open.

远程项目经理可能也会监督其他的项目。Telework program managers may oversee other programs, too.

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有两对夫妇目睹了这样的聚集,就非常敝开。The 2 couples that oversee the situation there are very open.

印度板球控球协会指派一名董事会成员来监督他们收集证据的过程。The BCCI appointed a board member to oversee their collection.

斯塔克斯法官被指定监督资金的分配。Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.

地震后,温家宝总理第一时间赶到灾区视察救灾工作。Premier Wen Jiabao flied to Chengdu to oversee rescue operation.

国会设立了一个贷款保证委员会来监督保证贷款的执行。Congre established a loan-guarantee board to oversee the operation.

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他替我看管湖边那所别墅,管理得非常出色。He used to oversee my place on the lake, and did it capitally, too.

陆奇将领导百度的产品、技术、销售和市场营销。Mr Lu will oversee Baidu's products, technology, sales and marketing.

桑德伯格主动请缨监督这一项目的销售和运营。Sandberg volunteered to oversee sales and operations for the project.

颂猜提议设立联合委员会监督部队撤离。Mr. Somchai proposed a joint committee to oversee any troop withdrawal.

这就像派一个主教成员去监督罗马教廷。That's like sending an Episcopalian to oversee the Vatican for 20 years.

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丽莎则坚持他的工作应该是指挥和监管战斗单位的军事行动。Lisa insisted that his job now was to command, to oversee flight-group ops.

中国总理温家宝冲到舟曲县一线视察救灾工作。Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao rushed to Zhouqu county to oversee relief efforts.

她表示,CFTC应监督商品和非证券相关的衍生品.She said CFTC should oversee commodity and non-securities related derivatives.