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为勒芒赛事,奥迪的V12发动机怪兽。The Audi V12 engine monster for Leman Race.

经理认为莱曼先生正好能胜任。The manager thinks Mr. Leman just can cut the mustard.

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据说我们不久就要来一位新经理。The manager thinks Mr. Leman just can cut the mustard.

邓肯继续赢得银牌,莱曼获得了铜牌。Duncan went on to win the silver medal and Leman earned the bronze.

的作者凯文雷曼医生,那是因为出生顺序的事情。Kevin Leman , author of The Birth Order Book Why You Are the Way You Are.

依云是法国的一个矿泉水品牌。依云矿泉水源自日内瓦湖南岸的几处水源,水源靠近法国城市埃维昂莱班。Evian is a French brand of mineral water coming from several sources near vian-les-Bains, on the south shore of Lac Léman.

依云是法国的一个矿泉水品牌。依云矿泉水源自日内瓦湖南岸的几处水源,水源靠近法国城市埃维昂莱班。Evian is a French brand of mineral water coming from several sources near Évian-les-Bains, on the south shore of Lac Léman.

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008年9月,鲍尔森拒绝为,雷曼兄弟安排这样的买卖,导致雷曼,宣布破产。In September 2008, Paulson refuse to offer such sales to Leathermen Brothers, permitting Leman Brothers to declare bankruptcy.

被地震摧毁的房屋可以重建,雷曼兄弟可以破产并购,股市可以降低印花税,缺乏信任和良知的人心怎么恢复?The building of room can rebuild, Leman brother can ruin to within, stock market can reduce the tax of printing, lack of belief and good-heart people how to recovery?

人文历史、园林精品与自然山水完美交融,与瑞士日内瓦的莱蒙湖被人们比喻为世界上东西辉映的两颗明珠。Its humane history, classic gardens design and harmony with the surroundings earn the reputation as the oriental pearl shining together with the Leman Lake in Geneva in the West.