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梵天给予了他这一神灵保佑。Brahma granted him the boon.

梵天被剥夺了判断力。That Brahma is bereft of sense.

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玉宇琼楼梵音回响。The voice of Brahma still echoes around.

诸神对此十分担心,他们找主神梵天寻求帮助。Worried, the Gods ran to Brahma for help.

生主后来被视作星学上的梵天。Prajapati was later identified with the puranic Brahma.

为什么这个〈楞严咒〉一念,那个先梵天咒就没有效验了呢?Why was the mantra from the Brahma Heavens rendered useless?

鸡足莲花山金刚塔座受持梵网经菩萨心地法门品。Receiving the heart of brahma net sutra in jizulutos mountain.

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心是光的源泉,是梵天力量的源头。The Heart is the source of Light, it is the source of Brahma Shakti.

是大梵天王所住的地方,寿命60小劫。The Heaven of the Great Brahma Lord is where the Great Brahma Lord lives.

于是,那时刻、那瞬间,呼声直达梵天界。So in that moment, that instant, the cry shot right up to the Brahma world.

就在那个刹那,那个当下,那个瞬间,叫唤之声传遍了整个梵天。So in that moment, that instant, the cry shot right up to the Brahma world.

这大梵天王,有梵众天、梵辅天来拥护他。The Great Brahma Lord has the multitudes of Brahmans and Brahma Ministers supporting him.

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二一'世尊!我等闻阿毗浮比丘,立于梵天界之所唱此偈。'。Venerable sir, we heard the bhikkhu Abhibhu reciting stanzas while in the world of Brahma.

梵天也手持着玫瑰水珠组成的绳子,他用这条绳来计算宇宙的时间。Brahma also holds a string of rosary beads that he uses to keep track of the Universe's time.

政策研究中心的布拉马。切拉尼认为,印度人已经变得对恐怖主义无动于衷。Brahma Chellaney of the Center for Policy Research believes Indians have become accustomed to terrorism.

这些信仰代表的是佛教、基督教、伊斯兰教、印度教、耆那教、犹太教和梵天库马里斯。The faiths represented were Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism and the Brahma Kumaris.

五其时,尊者梵天之母婆罗门女,常以供牲供梵天。At that time venerable Brahmadeva's mother, a Brahmin woman was steadfastly making adoration to Brahma with out stretched arms.

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虽然他们还在低层的天神界以及梵天界,从那时起,就会转生较高级的天神界以及梵天界。And if living in the lower celestial and Brahma realms, their heads are always turned towards the higher planes of those worlds.

是归功于梵天,他的心平静下来,喜悦升起,心中凡有杂染皆被弃绝。It is owing to Brahma that his mind is calmed, that joy arises, and that whatever defilements there are in his mind are abandoned.

三时,辟支梵天须梵与辟支梵天净居诣世尊处。诣已,各立门边。Then Subrahma the independent brahma and an independent brahma of the pure abodes approached the Blessed One and one stood outside the gate.