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别动。我给你揎一张在岩石上的照片。Don't move. m take a photo Ol you on the rock.

我的工作证是看不清楚的。哈哈。我在房地产公司上班。Nice! Professional OL look haha. Better than my job.

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该站点除英语版外,还有法语版和西班牙语版。The site is available in English, Français, and Españ ol.

因此,放学后强迫孩子额外学习是不明智的。It is absurd to force children to take extra studies after sch ol.

与其等笑傲公测,不如自己多学点英语。It's better to learn more English than to wait XA. OL to open test.

乙醇是用在百分之十的共混物与汽油制造乙醇汽油。Ethan ol is used in 10 percent blends with gasoline to create gasohol.

很高兴你们喜爱鬼怪单鼻,他会带双枪,标准的手枪,但枪套在腿上。Glad to see love for Ol Barguest, two guns, standard but holster and leg.

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彩虹框架了坦桑尼亚伦盖伊火山特殊岩浆的形成。Rainbows frame a peculiar lava formation at Ol Doinyo Lengai, a volcano in Tanzania.

新时代地OL们自立自强,可能不喜欢下厨和打扫房间。A new era of OL are independent, probably doesn't like cooking and cleaning the room.

最后,本文用AOC演算给出了一个对象语言OL的语义描述。At last, the semantic description of object language OL is presented with AOC calculus.

雷蒙多对罗德岛州几近破产的公务员养老金体系进行了改革。Raimondo ol ed the reform of rhode island's all-but-bankrupt public employee pension system.

一股荧光橙色的岩浆从伦盖伊火山瀑布般的倾泻而下,流入坦桑尼亚的东非大裂谷。A stream of neon-orange lava cascades down Ol Doinyo Lengai, in Tanzania’s Great Rift Valley.

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OL搭配这一套很够很轻易的在办公室或者街道上成为视线的焦点。OL with this set is easily enough to the streets in the office or become the focus of attention.

身为坐班一族,长期缺乏运动,OL的身材变样,只是迟早的事。As the imprisoned family of long-term lack of exercise, OL figure different now, but sooner or later.

紧身的七分裤也是甜美OL的必备,再穿上高根鞋腿部的线条就能够完美。Tight Qifen Ku OL is also an essential sweetness and wear high heels leg of the lines can be perfect.

研究了两种产自云南的丛生竹的化学组成和纤维特性。The chemical composition and fiber characteristics ol two sympodial bamboos have been studied in this paper.

由OL设备人员确定并制定具体开孔部位供团队人员论证。OL equipment personnel identified and specified the specific opening part for the team to make argumentations.

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压裂支撑剂的长期导流能力对油气井的压裂效果和压裂有效期具有重要影响。The long-term flow conductivity of proppant will have great impact on fracturing effects and period ol validity.

论文首先分析了网上开放学习的必然性,提出了OL开放学习新概念。This paper firstly makes analysis on the necessity of on-line open study, presents the new idea of OL open study.

典雅的深蓝色配以复古铜色的五金,朴实的包款最适合职场上追求时尚的你。Elegant dark blue is accompanied by copper-liked hardware. Such simple package is most suitable for fashionable OL.