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提示养貂者为好发EHF的危险人群。This indicated that Marten' breeder is high risk population for EHF.

可见尽早进行血液透析是抢救重型流行性出血热的关键措施。It concludes that early hemodialysis is the important measure of saving the severe EHF.

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对以上各型变态反应在EHF发病中的作用进行探讨。This report discusses the immunopathologic mechanism of these allergys in the disease process of EHF.

表明该动物敏感,可作为流行性出血热疫苗效力试验的动物模型。It was shown that hamster was sensitive and might be used as an animal model of efficacy test for EHF vaccine.

结果显示,锦荔枝清解冲剂能抑制病毒在动物体内生长,对感染病毒的幼鼠有保护作用。It can protect the mice from the EHF virus infection. The results showed that this drug have anti EHF virus activity.

本文还对EHF和慢性HBV感染患者T细胞亚群变化的意义进行了讨论。The significance of T-cell subpopulation variations in the pathogenesis of EHF and chronic HBV infection is discussed.

本文报道贵州省三种不同情况EHF疫区鼠类连续两年逐月自然监测结果。This report results from the two years' natural observing the rat infectious Source in three different EHF epidemic areas of Guizhou.

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上述结果证明,联合抗过敏新鲜血浆疗法是治疗中晚期EHF行之有效的措施。The results indicated that combined antiallergic fresh plasma had marked effectiveness in the treatment of EHF at middle and late stages.

认为经皮肤破伤感染可能是自然条件下EHF病毒鼠间传播的重要途径。It indicated that the infection of rodents by means of wounds may be an important route in transmitting EHF virus among rodents in natural condition.

因而首次证实缓慢细蚤、开皇客蚤能自然感染EHF病毒,其在流行病学中的意义应进一步研究。The first identification of the flea-Leptopsylla segnis and Xenopsylla Cheopis naturally infected by EHF virus has an important Epidemiological significance.

形态学鉴定符合EHFV,并见到典型的颗粒性EHFV包涵体和大小形态类似的EHFV样颗粒。Morphological identification is corresponding to EHF virus by EM and it is found that typical particle EHF virus inclusion bodies and size similar EHFV-like particle.

黑线姬鼠为砀山县EHF的主要宿主动物,健康人群血清学调查证实有隐性感染存在。Apodemus agrarius was the main reservoir spec ies of EHF in Dangshan county. Serological survey confirmed subclinical infection of EHF virus in the natural population.

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这种美国空军的先进EHF系统可以为海陆空作战的士兵们提供全球性的、高度安全的、有保护的、能力强的通信。The U.S. Air Force's Advanced EHF system will provide global, highly secure, protected, survivable communications for warfighters operating on ground, sea and air platforms.

本文研究了安徽、湖北、山西、河南91份临床诊断为流行性出血热患者血清与特异性病毒多肽成份的反应。The reactions of 91 sera from EHF patients in Anhui, Honan, Hubai and Sanxi provinces to the specific polypeptides of EHF virus were studied with the immunoblotting technique.

EHF卫星通信项目增量3是美国空军和诺斯罗普格鲁门公司的后续工作,将保持B-2的全任务能力,应对不断变化的敌人威胁。The three-increment EHF Satcom program is part of an ongoing effort by the Air Force and Northrop Grumman to keep the B-2 fully mission capable against evolving enemy threats.

经免疫组化染色发现所有融合细胞内均有特异性EHF病毒抗原颗粒。提示流行性出血热病毒的直接作用与尿液中融合细胞的形成有关。We found that EHF virus antigen which were detected by immunoperoxidase technique in all the fusion cells The results indicated that the fusion cells should be closely related to EHF virus.