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两个城镇均有大量塔米尔人口。Both towns have overwhelmingly Tamil populations.

但这也为赢得泰米尔人的忠心提供了机会。But it might offer the chance to win Tamil loyalties.

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1989年,拉吉夫被一名泰米尔女性恐怖分子暗杀。He was assassinated in 1989 by a female Tamil terrorist.

这些人是1995年从一个叫做贾夫纳的泰米尔小镇出来的。They were driven from one big Tamil town, Jaffna, in 1995.

泰米尔纳德邦在印度科学界的地位无可替代。Tamil Nadu has a unique place in the world of Indian science.

英语、马来语、华语、泰米尔语为官方语言。The official languages are English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil.

官方语言是英语,华话,马来语和泰米尔语。The official languages are English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil.

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若干位僧伽罗国王因击退泰米尔人入侵而留名。Several Sinhala kings are noted for driving back the Tamil invasions.

除了泡温泉,这个时节还可以去游览米尔福德峡湾。Besides bubble hot spring, this time can also visit Tamil ford fjords.

有时,这样的入侵导致泰米尔人统治期的延长。Occasionally, such invasions resulted in Tamil rule for extended periods.

他们说,塔米尔猛虎组织强迫他们夸大上网数字。They said the Tamil Tiger would force them to overstate casualty figures.

在旁遮普邦、古吉拉特邦、泰米尔纳德邦及比哈尔邦,国大党时来运转,重获生机。In Punjab, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Bihar Congress’s fortunes have revived.

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我们是想把泰米尔人从‘猛虎’组织的残酷控制下解救出来。Our intention was to save the Tamil people from the cruel grip of the LTTE.

拉维纳什利3岁就能背诵1330条泰米尔经典圣言。The youngster could recite all 1330 couplets of Tamil epic at the age of 3.

这里你可以分享免费下载的MP3泰米尔上网用户超过1,800,000。Here you can share free Tamil MP3 downloads with over 1,800,000 online users.

纳纳亚卡拉说,至少有一架泰米尔猛虎游击队的飞机攻击了科伦坡。Nanayakkara said at least one suspected Tamil Tiger aircraft attacked Colombo.

这个项目在印度农业地区卡纳塔克邦和泰米尔纳德邦的12个村庄进行。The project works in 12 villages in India's rural Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states.

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这些富豪承诺,今后大马彩所有利润将捐给华文和泰米尔文学校。The rich promise, all future profits will be donated to PMP Chinese and Tamil schools.

该发言人谴责了泰米尔猛虎组织的爆炸行动,这起行动还导致另外24名士兵及40名平民受伤。He blamed the Tamil Tigers for the blast, which also wounded 24 troops and 40 civilians.

还有一个手工艺品展暨公平的泰米尔纳德邦政府主办。There is also a handicrafts exhibition cum fair organized by the Government of Tamil Nadu.