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他是好动的小孩子。He's a spunky little child.

它全部将依赖于怎样灿烂您是。It will all depend on how spunky you are.

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她自己穿衣服很精神,那又如何?And she wears spunky outfits herself, but so what?

谁也不知道我爸爸近来为什麽容易发怒。Nobody knows why my father has been spunky lately.

这些箍耳环是精明的,有勇气,喜欢佩戴频繁。These hoop earrings are savvy and spunky and love to be worn frequently.

从他有精神的表情上可以得知他一定考得不错。From the spunky look on his face you could tell he must have done well in the test.

虽然,基于坦率和情绪化燕姿也许会发现很难保持沈默。However, the straightforward and spunky lass admits she may find it hard to be silent.

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是的,这要非常非常有勇气。你可以和一只猴子或者一大堆蚂蚁一起跳。Yeah, it's very, very spunky . You can do it with a monkey or an anthill full of ants.

墨西哥队还是给美国队带来了很多的阻力,这也是美国队参赛以来最有意思的一场胜利。And the spunky Mexicans put up enough resistance to make this the most interesting of Team USA's wins.

一篮永不凋谢的花丰富而饱满,象徵爱与美的良好心愿。A basket of never-withering flowers, rich and spunky , symbolizes my love and best wishes to my daughter.

起亚正在展示其绚丽的混合了首尔概念的五门掀背车产品模型。Kia is showing the production model of the spunky , five-door hatchback, as well as a hybrid Soul concept.

雷兹尼克这女子神采奕奕,走起路来就像个昂首阔步的20岁年轻人,克服了重重困难才打造出一片天下。Resnick, a spunky woman with the swagger of a 20-year-old, overcame several hurdles to build the business.

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卑诗大学渔业中心主任丹尼尔‧保利称她为「勇敢的英雄」。Daniel Pauly, director of the University of British Columbia's Fisheries Center, calls her "a spunky hero."

但是麦凯恩绝对不止这么简单。这位容易发怒的持异见者曾频繁地和共和党政治机器决裂,由此赢得了温和派和独立人士的赞赏。But he is more than that—a spunky maverick who has frequently broken with the Republican machine and earned admiration from moderates and independents.

驯服的小牛“勇娃”望了公牛半天,然后四条腿软了下来,待在那儿乖乖地等着母亲的归来。Spunky gazed at the bull for a long moment, and then her legs seemed to melt back into the ground, once again the obedient5 baby waiting for her mother to return.