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事实上,当时在陕西也只发现了7只野生朱鹮。In fact, 7 wild crested ibis were found that time.

二十世纪70年代在日本,朱鹮已被宣布濒绝。The crested ibis was declared extinct in Japan in the 1970s.

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了解如何在这对埃及舞免费视频剪辑鹮。Learn how to do the Ibis in this free video clip on Egyptian dancing.

截止到年底,宜必思酒店2009年将在中国新开19家酒店。A total of 19 Ibis hotels are expected to open in China by end of 2009.

在这两个地方我都住宜必思酒店,房间和服务都很好。I stayed at Ibis hotels in both cities and had nice rooms with good service.

青岛宜必思酒店拥有138间舒适的客房,包括大床房和双床房。Hotel Ibis Qingdao Donghai features 138 comfortable single and twin bed rooms.

这起泡沫的海水呈现像积雪盖在这些朱鹭的脚。The foamy water of the ocean appears like snow covering the feet of these ibis.

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幸运地是,有迹象表明,始祖鸟确实是一种具有攻击性的鹮。Fortunately, there are a few indications that Xenicibis truly was a fightin’ ibis.

并且提出了加强朱鹮保护的对策。Some effective solutions to strengthen the Crested Ibis protection were put forward.

由于没有考虑电压反馈效应,IBIS模型在仿真SSN时,总是过高估计电源噪声、地噪声和静线噪声。IBIS model overestimates power noise, ground noise and quiet line noise when simulate SSN.

夏天已经逝去,秋天还没有来临,这个时候朱鹭来到了那棵满是树脂的树上。Summer was dead, but autumn had not yet been born when the ibis came to the bleeding tree.

表明在人工饲养条件下,朱可以自然繁殖,并已获得成功。On the condition of hand-feeding, the Crested ibis could reproduce naturally, which got succeed.

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调查结果来自于美国的市场调研机构IBISWorld的09年高危产业调查。The findings come from business analysts IBIS World's survey of industries most at risk in 2009.

哈佛的讽刺“城堡”,特有的朱鹭屋顶和紫黄相间的大门。The Harvard Lampoon "castle" with its characteristic rooftop ibis and its purple and yellow door.

朱鹮保护工作已经取得了显著的成绩,野生种群达200多只。Crested Ibis protection has gained great achievements that the number of the species has exceeded 200.

西班牙,一只隐鹮在看护卫帽子上假鸟,在巴贝特德佛朗哥附近的朱鹭鸟兽类保护区。Hermit Ibis looks at a fake bird on a keeper's hat at an Ibis sanctuary near Barbate de Franco, Spain.

在描述中,透特的样子通常是个长着鹮头的人,为纪念他,有上百万只鹮类被做成了木乃伊。Thoth was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis, and millions of ibis were mummified in his honor.

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阿白鹮羊群中的干面包草洲湿地站在圣伯纳德教区。A flock of white ibis stands in marsh grass on Dry Bread Island in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana on Wednesday.

一群罕见的朱鹭在云南省被发现,该物种在中国曾一度被认为已经灭绝。A group of rare ibis once thought extinct in China have been spotted 1 in the southwestern province of Yunnan.

自1981年朱鹮在陕西洋县重新被发现时,其种群数量只有7只。The rediscovery of the Crested ibis in 1981 in Yangxian, Shaanxi Province, there were 7 Crested ibises in total.