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拉下来壶嘴倒。Pull pour spout down.

这茶壶的壶嘴坏了。This teapot's got a broken spout.

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我可以改变我的把手和壶嘴。I can change my handle and my spout.

“壶口”在中文里的意思是水壶的喷嘴。Hukou means "kettle spout" in Chinese.

这是我的把手,这是我的壶嘴。Here is my handle and here is my spout.

我们美国人把自由都讲烂了。We Americans spout bromides about freedom.

小唐尼把茶壶嘴打下来了。Little Tony broke the spout off the teapot.

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我的假期计画全吹了。My holiday plans are completely up the spout.

一缕薄薄的雾气正从壶嘴升起。A thin cloud of steam was rising from the spout.

俗话说的好、光说不练假把式。As the saying goes, fake handle and a spout lip.

茶壶在非常优良条件与被恢复的喷口。Ewer isin very good condition with spout restored.

然后小蜘蛛又爬上了水壶口。Then Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.

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雨水流下雨水管从我们的屋顶流到了地上。Rain runs down a spout from our roof to the ground.

鲸鱼通过鼻子喷射出满是水的空气。To spout moist air from the blowhole. Used of a whale.

当它把水壶的喷口塞紧时,壶盖被揭起来了。When he plugged the spout of the kettle, the lid rose.

细口罐通常都有壶嘴或是细颈及手柄。A jug usually has a spout or a narrow neck, and a handle.

不要信口开河地评论他的需求是多么的愚蠢。Don't spout off at the mouth about how the story is dumb.

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无非就是买了件t恤什么的至于说个没完嘛。That they buy T-shirts for and spout off about endlessly?

有一次他堵住一个茶壶的壶嘴然后放到火上。He wants to plug up spout of tea pot and place it on fire.

这次地球能量展示引起两种争论。Two arguments spout up from this demonstration of earthly power.