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你对我的关怀给了我莫大的安慰。Your solicitude was a great consolation to me.

要是为这种民族的前途担忧,那是大可不必的了。Solicitude for the future of a race like this is not in order.

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“对受伤的乘客表示深切的慰问”。I’d also like to convey my deep solicitude to injured passengers.

临终关怀是一项朝阳事业,是一项伟大而光荣的事业。Deathbed Solicitude is a new and rising, great and glorious undertaking.

葛朗台受到最亲切最温柔的款待。Grandet found himself the object of the most loving and tender solicitude.

腕式血压测试计,处处体贴,时时关怀。Wrist sphygmomanometer shows consideration everywhere and solicitude everywhen.

中方对拉巴尼先生不幸遇难表示哀悼,对受害者家属表示慰问。China expresses condolences over Mr. Rabbani's death and solicitude to the bereaved.

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生命关怀是一切文艺作品关注的主题。The solicitude for life has always been the theme of all literary and artistic works.

维诺的脸又红了起来,但现在便得温和了,就好象他感到自己受到如此多的关爱而颇为荣幸似的。Cerviño blushed once more, but gently now, as if he felt honored by so much solicitude.

为达成每个爱国者的宿愿,我将迫不及待地全力以赴。To effect objects so dear to every patriot I shall devote myself with anxious solicitude.

尤其是教会的一位老师和执事,在我病重时给予了很大的帮助和关怀。In particular a priest and a deacon, when I was ill heavily , they gave me so much solicitude.

他对人类生存境遇的深切关怀、心灵世界的内视与反省是其作为电影大师的特质所在。He has deep solicitude for human survival, and reflect the world within its master as the trait.

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海子的诗歌十分关注风景中的人文精神,卒章显志,体现着人文主义的情味。Haizi's poems explore the human spirit from the natural scenery and embody the humane solicitude.

万斯太太的关心和热情,有点使她觉得自己是屈就的一方了。Something in the other's solicitude and interest made her feel as if she were the one to condescend.

中方对遇难者表示哀悼,对韩国人民和遇难者家属表示慰问。China expresses condolences to the victims and solicitude to the ROK people and the bereaved families.

杨洁篪外长已致电印尼外长哈桑表示慰问。Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has sent a telegraph of solicitude to Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan.

新具象水墨最为感人的地方在于他们的作品中体现出来的现实关怀的价值。The best part of new figural water-ink is the value of realistic solicitude the painting works express.

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作为一个低调和俭省的小说家,郭平以小说小“说”的方式,书写日常生活世界。As a quiet and industrious novelist, Guo Ping described the daily life with solicitude for minor objects.

当晚,阿尔西·拉巴利克在写给妻子克拉莉莎的信中说,这是一封充满柔情与牵挂的情书。Alcée Laballière wrote to his wife, Clarisse, that night. It was a loving letter, full of tender solicitude.

逢天气剧变或身体不适便嘘寒问暖,关怀备至。When weather changes or physical discomfort will ask people whether they feel hot, show the utmost solicitude.