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这是一种空前的溃乱。The disintegration is unprecedented.

这是关系瓦解的第一个讯号吗?Is it the first signal of relationship disintegration?

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价值观的分化是社会转型的伴生物。Value disintegration is the by-product of society transition.

宗派蜕变是一场悲剧,然而却可以预见。Denominational disintegration is a tragic, but predictable, sight.

问题在于这块骨头破碎瓦解得很严重。The problem with that bone is the fragmentation and disintegration.

单核液泡期的小孢子细胞质完全解体。Complete disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of vacuolated microspore.

这种众叛亲离之势虽然还不快,还不全面,但却是空前的。The disintegration is not rapid, nor complete, but it is unprecedented.

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测定微观和宏观甘氨酰酸解离常数。" Report " of the disintegration of micro-and macro-acid, glycyl fixed.

本应是一次美好的剧院之行却在几分钟内导致了婚姻的破裂。A nice trip to the theatre reduced to marital disintegration in minutes.

绝对国家既是家元共同体又意味着家元共同体的解体。The absolute state was both family original community and its disintegration.

分析了引起硅铁粉化的主要原因,提出了控制硅铁粉化的措施。The main shortages in ferrosilicon disintegration and the cause are analysed.

而那将给这样一个多民族国家的进一步解体埋下伏笔。In such a multi-ethnic country that would be a recipe for further disintegration.

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崩解时限的控制是口腔崩解片的重要质量控制指标。Disintegration time is an important factor in the quality control of ODT products.

碧口群自建群以来经历了多次解体。Since the Bikou Group has been set up , it has gone through disintegration many times.

月牙形和不规则形小孢子细胞质完全解体。Complete disintegration of cytoplasm of crescent or irregular shape of microspore . 25.

无论是已经消失的楼兰古国,还是解体的苏联。Whether it is ancient Loulan have disappeared, or the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

物盛而衰,春秋也是世禄制的解体时期。The Spring and Autumn Period also is the time that hereditary laurels system disintegration.

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乐曲的最后像声音的瓦解,声音的瓦解It's kind of a disintegration of the sound at the end, disintegration of the sound at the end.

后解体分配阀,发现主阀体工作面已擦伤。After the disintegration of the distribution valve, the main body was found face has scratches.

吝啬和贪婪使他的人伦情感受到严重剥蚀。Parsimonious and causes his human relations emotion to receive the serious disintegration greedily.