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没有人能够代替他的工作。No man could supplant him.

用一个积极的想法换掉它吧。Supplant it with a constructive thought.

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他因阴谋篡夺皇位而被绞死。He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king.

我相信电子汽车总有一天会取代汽油汽车。I believe one day electric cars will supplant petrol-driven ones.

这种管治是在既有政制中运作,抑或另起炉灶?Does such an administration operate within the political system, or supplant it?

所幸的是,组成新家后,我从未想过自己要取代孩子心中对生父的爱。Fortunately it was never my goal to supplant their real father in their affection.

当然,这也帮助中国作为世界玩具工厂,生产了几乎所有的圣诞礼物。Of course, that's also helped them supplant Santa's elves as the toy workshop of the world.

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所以,电脑技术和反复打斗代替了骇客帝国中的天才的动作。Thus, computer technology and overkill supplant the ingenuity of the original film's action.

虽然较长形式的网络视频不能替代电视,但却在两方面对电视有所补充While long-form Internet video will not supplant television, it supplements it in two key ways

或者开始一段要么能取代过去,要么能给你力量的崭新的感情?Or a new relationship that will either supplant the lost one or, perhaps, draw strength from it?

卡尔加里市市长大伟•布朗康涅对该市很快就能取代多伦多的说法一笑了之。Dave Bronconnier, Calgary's mayor, laughs off the idea that his city might soon supplant Toronto.

在多风的拉罗拉多,智能电网可能更把焦点放在利用风能发电代替热电。In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to supplant electrical power.

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亚洲大陆将在不久的将来取代美国、欧洲和日本的观点是很可笑的。The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible.

可是,如果日本高铁革新的目的只是为了取代国内航空业,那它是失败的。But if the aim of Japan's high-speed rail revolution was to supplant domestic air travel, it has failed.

它被设计用于补充MG34的不足,其实二者共存生产直至战争结束。It was designed to supplant the older MG34, though in fact both weapons were manufactured till the war's end.

固态发光光源具有一个神秘的称作“光衰”的弊病,在解决这个弊病之前,固态发光光源不能取代光热灯泡。Solid-state lighting won't supplant the lightbulb until it can overcome the mysterious malady known as "droop"

你一只手拿我作对付魔都的挡箭牌,再用另一只手来搞掉我。With your left hand you would use me as a shield against Mordor. And with your right, you'd seek to supplant me.

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如果哪天科学无赖,阴谋家,吝啬鬼和狂热分子取而代之,人类将面临暗无天日的世界。It will be a black day for the human race when scientific blackguards, conspirators, churls, and fanatics manage to supplant him.

由于书写技术的突破,亚拉姆人,最终会看见他们的语言,亚拉姆语排挤掉古代的亚述语。The Arameans, would eventually see their language, Aramaic , supplant Ancient Assyrian because of the technological breakthrough in writing.

防卫及研究项目局防伪科学办公室副主任表示,人工造血的愿景将会取代血液捐献。Jon Mogford, Deputy Director of the Defense sciences Office at DARPA, indicated the hope was to supplant donation supplies with engineered blood.