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既是一个彻罗基的圈内人,又是一个圈外人。A Cherokee insider and outsider.

又有谁真的愿意声名远扬?Who would really want to be an insider?

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如果他们这么干了,那就是内幕交易了。If they do that, it's insider trading. The U.

这让你有一种集体感,你是内部的一员。It makes you feel like, you know, you're an insider

一个招聘人可以为你提供内行人的观点与建议。A recruiter can give you insider pointers and advice.

你可以做个十足的内行人,也可以做个十足的门外汉。You can be a rank insider as well as a rank outsider.

消息人士透露,张曼玉身边好友都知道二人分手的事情。An insider said all of Cheung's close friends knew it.

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编织袋包装,内衬PE袋,重量25公斤。Package with braided, PE bag insider lining, 25kg weight.

方风雷是一位技艺高超的交易撮合者,对政治也很内行。Mr. Fang is a consummate deal maker and political insider.

先生从事内线交易套利是件可耻的事。It is a scandal for Mr. J be a insider trading arbitrageur.

为什么不把这些内幕情况告诉您的后任?Why not leave this insider information for your replacement?

这里有一些内参来帮助促进你们未来的彼此关系。Here are some insider tips to help nurture future interactions.

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但是按照熟悉盖茨的那位知情人的说话,这只是部分正确。But that’s only partially right, according to the Gates insider.

你开始以局外人和局内人来看待这两个社会。You begin to see the societies as both an outsider and an insider.

此外,该科也为内幕交易审裁处提供律师。The division also provides counsel to the Insider Dealing Tribunal.

也可供用户是布图设计内幕优质内容,无广告。Also available to subscribers is IGN insider premium content, ad-free.

散户凭什么获得所谓的内幕信息?What individual investors access to the so-called insider information?

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第三章中国对跨境内幕交易的法律监管。Chapter 3 focuses on China's regulation of cross-border insider trading.

一名众泰汽车的内部人员称此车目前正在亏本销售。An insider at Zotye Auto said the vehicle is selling at a loss at present.

一位看过此报道的内部人士说这绝对是令人震惊的爆料。One insider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.