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我认为你在自损形象。I think you cut a pitiable figure.

他们更像可怜的小男孩。They looked like pitiable young boys.

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看到这可怜的情景,他的心就软了。His heart softened at the pitiable sight.

但是,其全球化之路异常坎坷。However, the road to globalization pitiable.

为可怜的或卑鄙视为一个人。A person regarded as pitiable or contemptible.

这个可怜的孩子引起了路人的注意。The pitiable boy attract pass-byers' attention.

弱者会可怜,但不一定可靠。The weak may be pitiable , but not always reliable.

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这是智力上软弱无能的可悲表现。This is a pitiable display of intellectual impotence.

可怜的小雏菊到现在还觉得地球天后是她最好的朋友!Pitiable Little Daisy still thought Earth Queen was her best friend!

他当时的处境很可怜,非常虚弱,跟一个平庸的巫师共用一具身体。He was in a pitiable condition, very weak, sharing the body of a mediocre wizard.

如果我们在今生只寄望于基督,我们就是众人中最可怜的了。If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are the most pitiable people of all.

更可怜的是,癞皮狗不会接受帮助,即便我们是善意的。What is even more pitiable is that a mange dog won't accept help, even when we mean well.

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我就是无法忍受他那副可怜相,好像自己是全世界最可怜的人似的。I just cannot bear his whole day's sad expression, it seems that he is the most pitiable man in the world.

尽管划分标准很可怜,印度贫困人口的比例大约是中国的2.5倍!And despite having such pitiable cut-offs, the proportion of India's poor is about 2.5 times that in China ! !

感谢小仲马塑造了茶花女这样一个可悲却又可敬的美丽女子。A such beautiful pitiable but respectable woman who thanks Alexandre Fils Dumas having molded Dame aux Camellia.

如果你像我一样用智能手机,你永远不会看见那些可怜、悲剧或者可爱的陌生人了。If you use a smart phone like I do, you never see the pitiable stranger, the tragic stranger, or the lovable stranger.

我们仔细地用硬板纸裁出吓人的东西,把我自己的艺术作品用胶水粘合起来,虽然它们着实不怎么样。We dutifully cut out scary things from construction paper and glued together our own artistic efforts, pitiable though they were.

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通过陈寅的诗作,我们看到封建社会一位可爱、可怜,还有几分可敬的“书呆子”的形象。From Chen Yins poetical works, we can see a lovable, pitiable and "pedantic" image somewhat worthy of respect in a feudal society.

这可能是一个合适的地方,让残存的可怜人们对我们那所谓开悟文明的错误进行深深的反思。That might be a suitable place for the pitiable humans remaining to contemplate the errors of our supposedly enlightened civilization.

文人士大夫这一特殊的社会群体,还遇到了关于生命意义的精神困境,天门神话帮助他们以天门之游的方式获得自由生命。Literati, the special social group, were in a pitiable plight about life meaning. Tianmen myth helped them to get a free life by Tianmen excursion.