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联合利华印度斯坦公司是联合利华在新兴国家业务营运方面的明星之一。Hindustan Unilever is one of the jewels in the company's emerging-market operations.

在喜玛拉雅的摇篮里,在恒河的怀抱中,天竺成为一个神秘的国度。In the Himalayan bassinet and the arms of Ganges, Hindustan become a cryptic country.

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去年科大就取录过1名16岁来自印度尼西亚的学生,他曾取得过物理奥林匹克奖牌。A 16-year-old Hindustan student was accepted because he had won Olympic Medal for physics.

更有甚者,一些印度斯坦和波斯暴君扯开吸烟者的嘴唇,或者把融铅灌入喉咙。Some despots, in Hindustan and Persia, went further, slitting smokers’ lips or pouring molten lead down their throats.

更有甚者,一些印度斯坦和波斯暴君扯开吸烟者的嘴唇,或者把融铅灌入喉咙。Some despots , in Hindustan and Persia, went further, slitting smokers' lips or pouring molten lead down their throats.

不过印度斯坦航空公司生产的双引擎“北极星”直升机保持着一个令人忧虑的飞行安全记录。But the twin-engine Dhruvs, manufactured by defence PSU Hindustan Aeronautics, have had a worrisome flight safety record.

朝鲜绝对不会这样对待被他们关押的韩国人或日本人!!伟大的印度斯坦!!North Koreans would never have done this to South Koreans or Japanese nationals whom they are holding ! ! great be Hindustan ! !

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从印度来的一万、一万五、两万商队带来了奴隶,棉布,精炼和粗提的糖和香精。Up from Hindustan come ten, fifteen, twenty thousand caravans bringing slaves, cotton cloth, refined and unrefined sugar and aromatic roots.

公元629年,中国唐朝高僧玄奘法师为了求取佛教真经,不顾路远万里,冒着生命危险,率领他的三个徒弟毅然徒步前往佛教圣地天竺国。A. D. , in order to obtain true Buddhism sutra, Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty led three prentices to Hindustan , In spite of long journey and lots of dangers.

运动会期间将有超过十万外国人住在新德里。“More than 100, 000 foreigners will be in the city, ” Vijay Babli, the leader of more than 1, 200 beggar families living in New Delhi’s Rohini’s Lal Quarter, told the Hindustan Times.

而另外一家半导体公司印度半导体制造公司则选择了英飞凌公司作为在印度FabCity工业园区兴建两间芯片厂的合作伙伴,该工业园区位于印度安得拉邦的海德拉巴附近。Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. selected Infineon Technologies AG as a partner to help it put down two fabs in Fab City industrial park near Hyderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh.