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我学习很努力。I studied hard.

他们对这些双胞胎进行了研究。And they studied them.

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没有,我是在中国学的。No, I studied in China.

他们对446位女性做了一个实验。They studied 446 women.

我依旧用功读书。I still studied ery hard.

我在那儿学医学。I studied medicine there.

你研究过人口学吗?Have you studied demography?

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我学过关系学。I had studied relationships.

你曾学过中文吗?Have you ever studied Chinese?

既然你都学习了这么久的英文了,Since you studied for so long,

她中文念了两个月。She studied Chinese two months.

他在大学学习的是考古学。He studied archeology in college.

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他曾学过五年英语。He studied English for five years.

回到家后,他便在烛光下研习。He studied at home by candlelight.

1963年,我一直在念英文。I have studied English since 1963.

我在那里学习音乐剧,And I studied musical theater there

他学了三年英语。He studied English for three years.

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您曾经学过多长时间的汉语?How long have you studied Chinese ?

他们研究各种星象。They studied the stars and planets.

他已学了两年德文。He has studied German for two years.