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你是说笔杆子还行,是吗?You mean your penmanship is good? Is thatit?

我嫂子认识一位书法大师,他的作品很值钱呢。My sister-in-law knew a master of penmanship whose work is expensive.

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我开始忽略了拼写和语法的正确性,我的字也很潦草。I began to get sloppy in my spelling and grammar, and my penmanship deteriorated.

一名五年级失去双手的小孩在国家书法大赛上获奖。A fifth grader with no hands won a penmanship award in the National Handwriting Contest.

他们认为博学、好问的头脑加上好的写作技巧,这才是最重要的资本。A well-stocked and inquiring mind plus sharp penmanship are the main assets, they reckon.

作为一门传统艺术,书法是我国民族文化遗产的重要组成部分。As a traditional art, penmanship is an important part in the national cultural heritage of our country.

盛仰高先生将手书“与时逐而不责于人”条幅赠与南浔区,并作讲解。Mr. Sheng Yang Gao presents his penmanship to Nan Xun government and explains the meaning of the words.

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天师道信仰对琅邪王氏家族文化影响较深,诸如书法、医药和文学等方面都有天师道影响的痕迹。The Langye Wang's clan culture was influenced deeply by the faith, especially in penmanship and medicine study.

那些和自己长相高几节的女性结婚的男人们要么是摇滚歌星,要么是富人,或有钱人,我不知道,笔头…Guys who marry a few rungs up the looks ladder are rock stars or rich or have, I don't know, beautiful penmanship.

从里德学院辍学后,他就去参加了一个美术字班,从此痴迷于各种字体和书法。After dropping out of his classes at Reed, he sat in on a calligraphy class and became fascinated with fonts and penmanship.

一些孩子可能会为了写出更好的内容而借助电脑来写作,或干脆靠模仿别人来写出好的文章,而不太在意书法如何,对此很多家长并不在乎。Many parents downplay concerns about penmanship in exchange for encouraging content by becoming scribes or using the computer as a tool.

老师有可能会让大家写出一些单词,我们这些词以前在作业中有留过。请按正确的格式书写单词,注意大小写。It is possible that I will ask you to write any of the words I have assigned as written homework, and I will be grading you on your penmanship.

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他对白家也越来越好奇,这样的手笔与花销简直难以想象,白家的钱从何来?The his talk house is also pile up quaint, penmanship favor this and bloom sell an absolutely hard imagination, white house of money what come?

简帛书法是中国历史上客观存在的一种文化现象,我们应从文化学角度进行研究。This paper deals with the silk penmanship from the angle of culture. Silk penmanship is a phenomenon which exists objectively in Chinese history.

拉尔森永远都会用小学生般的工整笔迹在这些信件上签名,签名的下方有“客户服务”字样。Larson always signs these letters in the same diligent hand of a grade-school penmanship student. The words 'Customer Service' appear under S. Larson's name. S.

犹如习字之人,不但要多阅碑帖,且必肯研墨挥毫,下实际工夫,才有实际成效。Like the people, not only should practiced penmanship engraved copies, and will read more under the usual grind ink will actually work, just have the actual effect.

那时候,我已经学会了我的书法。我的连写体字母衔接得非常漂亮,比我那一年前歪歪扭扭的,潦草的字迹要好了很多。By that time, I had learned my penmanship. My cursive letters flowed in a fair, clean hand from my pen, far better than the crooked scrawl I had been using even a year before.

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本文以黄宾虹“引书入画”为主要线索,着意梳理出书法对黄宾虹绘画成因的重要作用。The dissertation focuses on the remarkable importance how the penmanship of Huang Binhong effects on his painting, according to the "draw calligraphy into painting" principle.

栩栩如生的水彩插图和刻印雅致手工字的食谱填满了书的每一页,那些文字,令我们无限缅怀这一正在消亡的艺术——手写注记。The pages of this cookbook beckon with vibrant watercolor illustrations and recipes written in the kind of delicate hand lettering that make us mourn penmanship as a dying art.

它首先转化为艺术形神理论,主要包括音乐形神理论、绘画形神理论和书法形神理论。It first transform into art appearance-spirit theory, including mainly music appearance-spirit theory, fine arts appearance-spirit theory and penmanship appearance-spirit theory.