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移民改革亦不例外。Immigration reform is no exception.


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我们不需要更多移民了,谢谢。We donot need more immigration. Thx.

我应该在哪里办理入境手续?。Which way shall I go to immigration?

整个移民系统确实是“跛脚”系统。The immigration system is a shambles.

另一个问题是非法移民。Another issue was illegal immigration.

1921年以前的美国移民政策American Immigration Policy Before 1921

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那么“移民战争”又如何呢?But what about the "War on Immigration"?

帕克先生和苏蜜走出了移居入境。Mr. Pak and Su-mi go out of immigration.

另一股对抗力量是移民。Another countervailing force is immigration.

我必须要到入境管理处吗?Must I go to the immigration control office?

那座移民站如今是一个博物馆。The old immigration station is now a museum.

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第八条,一切非德裔移民必须被禁止。All non-German immigration must be prevented.

放任自由主义者想要如何对待移民?How do libertarians want to handle immigration?

移民局就好像是一个登录模块。The immigration office acts like a login module.

出境口有没有免税商店?Are there duty-free shop in the immigration gate?

我认为你的丈夫应该使移民合法化。I think your husband should legalize immigration.

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非法入境者的统计也是一大挑战。Illegal immigration poses a particular challenge.

他们为移民局所延搁。They were held up by the immigration authorities.

你好,艾肯!你在美国的移民生活怎么样?Hi, Aiken! How is your immigration life in the US?