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但是,他的回答是甚至粗鲁。But his reply was even ruder.

他粗鲁的行为变成疯狂。His ruder manner turned into madness.

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我不许他们用那种粗暴的态度回答我。I won't have them answer me back in that ruder manner.

胎体坚质但较粗,釉色白中微闪青。The padding is firm but ruder , green glazed with white.

鸟儿从未像我们,他粗野的孩子一样,让他失望。Never have the birds disappointed Him as have we, His ruder children.

这是个好比喻。那么以你的感受,谁更坚挺与泼皮些?O a good analogy, then which one is harder and ruder according to your feeling?

一份新的研究报告说,在美国,有钱人比穷人更粗鲁。There's a new study that says that in America, rich people are ruder than poor people.

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说实话,我挺意外的,因为这个学生看起来不象是那么不懂事的人。It is even ruder to be a no show and not have called to let the person know you can't come.

阿联酋航空公司确认罗德公关作为其中国机构连续5年。Emirates Airline confirmed Ruder Finn as their China PR Agency for the 5th consecutive year.

与罗德的不断努力,阿联酋航空公司现在看来,这是一个世界领先的航空公司在中国。With Ruder Finn's continuous efforts, Emirates Airline is now regarded as one of the world's leading airlines in China.

这些特工人员对这一项目的感受可能更接近于这个行动组的名字吧。WTF,最有名的解读可粗俗得多了。Agents' view of the operation can perhaps be read into its acronym WTF, far more famously standing for something much ruder.

男人衣着极为原始,女人穿筒裙和上衣,与番仑村里的那些粗人打扮一样。The men were in fiercely savage costume, and the women in skirts and jackets like the ruder portion of the people in Fan-lun.

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当我在有雾的天气里,绕着湖阔步时,有时我很有兴味地看到了一些渔人所采取的原始的生活方式。When I strolled around the pond in misty weather I was sometimes amused by the primitive mode which some ruder fisherman had adopted.

近四分之三的受访者认为学校应加强礼仪教育。Britons are ruder than they were a decade ago, according to a survey on Monday that showed almost three-quarters of people think manners should be taught at school.

罗德的有效全面的综合通信战略适合阿联酋的商业和通信的需求现在将覆盖阿联酋最新扩展到华南和香港。Ruder Finn's effective comprehensive integrated communications strategy tailored for Emirates business and communication needs will now cover Emirates' latest expansion into south China and Hong Kong.