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我是加雷斯·米切尔。I am Gareth Mitchell.

他给了米契尔一本书。He gave Mitchell a book.

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我是米契尔·加拉赫尔。This is Mitchell Gallagher.

不,我们不孤独。”米契尔说。No, we're not alone, " Mitchell said."

“见到你很高兴,米歇尔。我是拉马尔?奎恩。”.。Nice to meet you, Mitchell. I'm Lamar Quin.

是他提供海洛英给米契尔么?Is he providing hash and heroin to Mitchell?

由此米切尔产生了设计这一应用程序的想法。So Mitchell came up with the idea for the app.

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你听说了吗?米切尔没接那份工作?Did you hear that Mitchell turned down that job?

无论怎样,明天又是新的一天。--玛格丽特·米切尔。After all, tomorrow is another day. --Margaret Mitchell.

如果米切尔对此还有所打算的话,那么,只能上帝保佑他了。If Mitchell is still up for it, well, then God bless him.

吉米·米切尔毫不犹豫地立刻停下车去帮忙。Jimmy Mitchell didn’t think twice about stopping to help.

请加入我们,祝贺米歇尔获得这个奖项!Please join us in congratulating Mitchell for this award!

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有一名罗伯特·米切尔已因绑架罪被捕。Another Robert L. Mitchell had been arrested for kidnapping.

但无一与我正调查的罗伯特·米切尔相匹配。But nothing matched the Robert L. Mitchell I was researching.

国际发展署的安德鲁·米歇尔已经进入待命状态。Andrew Mitchell at International Development is ready to jump.

庭审法官,米切尔法官先生,宣布休庭。The trial judge mr justice mitchell adjourned the proceedings.

这时,画面上米切尔瞥了眼电脑,然后把它关上。We see Mitchell peeking at his computer, then slamming it shut.

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米切尔说,他和国务卿克林顿将出席下一次会议。Mitchell added that he and Clinton will attend the next meeting.

现在米切尔在感到压力时就会吃点药。Mitchell now takes her medication when she feels under pressure.

米切尔身体强壮,中等个子,面色黝黑。Mitchell is well-built, of medium height, with a dark complexion.