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孕激素。雌激素都很低,这能治好吗?Progestational hormone. Estrogen is very low, can be this treated?

孕激素与雌激素对宫颈黏液的分泌作用是完全相反的。The exudation of progestational hormone and estrogen to palace neck mucus action is completely contrary.

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炔诺酮合成的避孕激素,c20h26o2,类似黄体酮的。A progestational hormone, C20H26O2, similar in effect to progesterone, used especially in oral contraceptives.

在此过程中,黄体开始分泌有妊娠作用的孕激素。The process is here medium, corpus luteum begins to secrete the progestational hormone that has gravid effect.

大剂量的孕激素抑制催乳素的泌乳作用。The progestational hormone of large dose controls the secrete breast function of the element that urge breast.

方法将216名接受孕前咨询的妇女随机分为治疗组和对照组。Methods 216 pregnant women receiving progestational consulting were randomly divided into experimental group and control group.

本发明同时补充雌激素和孕激素,用于治疗妇女更年期综合症。The invention simultaneously replenishes estrogens and progestational hormones and is used for treating the female climacteric syndrome.

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如涂片上见成排的椭圆体,提示在雌激素作用的基础上已有孕激素的影响。What if see on smear, discharge is ellipsoidal, clew already had the effect of progestational hormone on the foundation of estrogen action.

如果你有子宫,就要应用一些促孕剂来保护雌激素抵抗时癌前期变化对子宫内膜的影响。If you have a uterus you should also use some form of progestational agent to protect the uterine lining from pre-cancerous changes that can occur when estrogen is "unopposed."

体内高水平的雌激素长期作用,且无孕激素对抗,易引起子宫内膜增生或腺癌。The estrogen of the Gao Shuiping inside body is long-term action, and defy without progestational hormone, cause hyperplasia of the film inside bottle opener palace or gland cancer easily.

据国家新闻社新华社周四报道,爱浜可能是故意表现出怀孕症状的,这些症状包括“食欲衰退,运动减少以及孕激素上升”。State newswire Xinhua reported on Tuesday that Ai Hin mayhave deliberately demonstrated signs of pregnancy, including "reducedappetite, less mobility and a surge in progestational hormone".

虽然孕剂已被广泛用于妇科条件,治疗选择往往是有限的,以合成剂的不利影响和稀疏的患者接受。Although progestational agents have been widely used for gynecologic conditions, treatment options have usually been limited to synthetic agents with adverse effects and sparse patient acceptance.