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在某个午夜梦回。In a midnight dream.

我一直睡到半夜时醒了。I slept until midnight.

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盛大的午夜传奇幕布开启!Biggest. Midnight opening.

时近午夜。It was close upon midnight.

他们在半夜回的家。They went home at midnight.

你有过午夜之吻吗?Did you get a midnight kiss?

莪瞅电视总媞到半夜。I watched TV until midnight.

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铃声在半夜刺耳地响了起来。The bell jangled at midnight.

午夜列车的三号车厢。Third boxcar. midnight train.

我正在吃宵夜。I am eating my midnight snack.

午夜前后开始下雪。The snow began about midnight.

他们可能会在半夜来。They could turn up at midnight.

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我在午夜时抵达嘉义。I arrived in Chiayi at midnight.

要知道神的工作在最黑的夜Know thy God in darkest midnight

狂欢活动于午夜结束。The revels broke up at midnight.

午夜的最后一声钟鸣沉寂。The last stroke of midnight dies.

我们在半夜里偷袭敌人。We stole on the enemy at midnight.

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等到夜半钟响,上帝就会获胜。At stoke of midnight God shall win.

电影一直演到午夜吗?Did the movie go on until midnight?

他在半夜还开着收音机。His radio stopped on at midnight.