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你会在哪些配件上花钱?。Wot gadgets do u spend ur money on?

当WOT遇到间谍软件可疑可疑地点时会提醒您。As WOT encounters suspect sites, it alerts you.

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因为我时常困惑,不知道该如何处事,生活。Something is missing in my life, but I don't know wot.

一个数学家或是一个滑稽家可能给你一个不正确的答复。A mathematician or a wot would give you the wrong answer.

一个数学家或是一个滑稽家可能给你一个不正确的答复。A mathenatician or a wot would give you the wrong answer.

你第一个职业生涯的进球是哪个?你是怎样庆祝的?。Wot was ur first professional goal and how did u celebrate.

在我记事起我就想成为球员,这是我生活中最热爱的事,我能做我最爱的事我感到十分幸运。It's the passion of my life and I'm lucky to be doing wot I love.

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弟兄们,我晓得你们做这事是出于不知,你们的官长也是如此。And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers.

我要坚持的是,他分明知道克莱从未进过棺材。What I stand to is that he knows well wot that there cly was never in that there coffin.

我要坚持的是,他分明知道克莱从未进过棺材。What I stand to, is, that he knows well wot that there Cly was never in that there coffin.

她们以一种男人和孀妇无法领悟的语言在彼此间飞快地传递着慰藉与心意。And between them swiftly passes comfort and meaning in a language that man and widows wot not of.

你们岂不晓得经上论到以利亚是怎吗说的呢。Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying

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嗨,弗兰克,如果你要唱歌你会唱哪种类型的呢?你希望和谁唱二重唱?。Hi frank if u had to release a single wot type of stuff would using about and would u like to do a duet wiv anyone?

是的。在我记事起我就想成为球员,这是我生活中最热爱的事,我能做我最爱的事我感到十分幸运。Yes I wanted to be one as long as I can remember. It's the passion of my life and I'm lucky to be doing wot I love.

她是这样的一位好妻子。三明治巧克力,大量的水果。你知道她并没有生气或者突然发怒。啊哈哈!She was such a good wife. Sandwiches chocolate, fruit the whole lot. And u know wot she didn't get angry or av tantrum.

空闲到全开再恢复空闲状态375,000次。部件一个大循环包括四个局部循环操作。空闲状态为50千帕的真空状态。Idle to WOT to Idle 375,000 events. The parts cycled 1 wide-open cycle for every 4 partial cycles. 50kPa vacuum was supplied at idle.

神并没有弃绝他预先所知道的百姓。你们岂不晓得经上论到以利亚是怎么说的呢?他在神面前怎样控告以色列人,说。God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew . Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying.