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这种锻炼方式刺激了心脏呼吸系统,同时不负重。It stimulates the cardiorespiratory system and it's non-weight bearing.

两性霉素B过量可能导致潜在致命性的心跳或心跳呼吸停止。Amphotericin B overdoses may result in potentially fatal cardiac or cardiorespiratory arrest.

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六年后,这244个学生通过有时限的跑步圈数来测试他们的心跳健康程度。Six years later, 244 students had their cardiorespiratory fitness measured by running timed laps.

六年以后,244名学生通过限时跑圈来测试他们的心肺功能。Six years later, 244 students had their cardiorespiratory fitness measured by running timed laps.

研究表明,受试者的低心肺顺应性伴随着增高的NAFLD严重度。The study did demonstrate lower cardiorespiratory fitness in subjects with increasing NAFLD severity.

如果抗毒血清没有及时注射的话,心肺功能衰竭导致最终死亡在所难免。Death, caused by cardiorespiratory arrest is inevitable if the anti-venom is not administered quickly.

或者可以说明一些共同的潜在过程可以同时改善脑萎缩和心肺适应性。Or they may indicate that some common underlying process affects both brain atrophy and cardiorespiratory fitness.

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非糖尿病患者中,胰岛素抵抗和弱性心肺功能存在有显著的相关性。There is a significant association between insulin resistance and low cardiorespiratory fitness in nondiabetic subjects.

为增进心肺、肌肉和骨骼健康,减少慢性非传染性疾病风险In order to improve cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, bone health, and cardiovascular and metabolic health biomarkers

脑血流之改善同时与心肺适能之进步存在相关性。The improvement in cerebral blood flow demonstrated significant correlation with the improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness.

术前心肺功能异常患者易发生心肺并发症。The incidence of cardiorespiratory complication closely related to the preoperative abnormality of heart and pulmonary function.

因此,更加注重心肺锻炼可能会是锻炼方案效果更好。Therefore, an enhanced focus on cardiorespiratory elements may give effects that are more beneficial from the exercise programs.

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课程速度比基本流量课快,旨在提高心肺呼吸系统的耐力。The class will be conducted with at a tempo faster than that of a basic flow class , aiming to promote cardiorespiratory endurance.

为增进心肺、肌肉、骨骼和功能性的健康,减少非传染性疾病、抑郁症和认知功能下降等风险In order to improve cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, bone and functional health, reduce the risk of NCDs, depression and cognitive decline

运动心肺功能各项指标正常对照组、IPF早期组、IPF非早期组之间均有显著性差异。Indexes of the cardiorespiratory exercise showed significant differences in the control group, early-stage of IPF group and early-stage of IPF group.

在实验开始和结束时,分别测试两组运动员的速度、力量、耐力、心肺功能等身体机能指标并进行比较。When beginning and finish of experiment, the indexes of the speed, power, endurance, cardiorespiratory function of players in each group were tested.

不同的NAFLD谱系严重度,患者心肺的顺应性,肌肉力量,机体组分和参与体力活动都在最适度以下。Across the spectrum of NAFLD severity, patients had suboptimal cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, body composition and physical activity participation.

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背景低水平的心肺功能适应性与高死亡率相联系的,而且提高心肺适应性可以降低死亡的危险。Context Low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with high risk of mortality, and improvements in fitness are associated with reduced mortality risk.

保持一个舒适的散步速度能刺激肺和心脏,从而提高呼吸系统的功能,虽然比起其他各种运动方式来散步的作用较为缓慢。Walking at comfortable speed improves the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system by stimulating the lungs and heart, but at a more gradual rate than most other forms of exercise.

采用替代性的水中练习,可以把由于身体负重所引发的疼痛减低到最小限度,在保持心肺功能方面常常是很有效的。Substituting aquatic exercise as a method for maintaining cardiorespiratory endurance is often helpful in the athlete because pain that may occur with weight bearing may be minimized.