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用防空炮火塞满整个天空!Fill the sky with antiaircraft fire!

高射炮击落了三架轰炸机。Antiaircraft guns downed three bombers.

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自行防空炮部队就位。Self-propelled antiaircraft guns in position.

据信玄永哲是被用高射炮处决。He is believed to have been executed with an antiaircraft gun.

这无异于大炮打蚊子。This would be like using antiaircraft guns to fight mosquitoes.

敌人那架轰炸机被高射炮击中,顿时燃烧了起来。The enemy bomber flared up when it was hit by antiaircraft artillery.

对于现代防空体系来说,反辐射导弹是一种严重的威胁。For a modern antiaircraft system, the ARM is one of the serious threats.

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利比亚国内现在充斥着大量的各式武器,从攻击步枪到防空导弹。From assault rifles to antiaircraft missiles, Libya is overflowing with armaments.

我们高射炮的子弹射入敌人轰炸机的机身。The bullets from our antiaircraft gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy bomber.

如果你真的这么担心人民受苦为什么你不把那些防空导弹卖给我们?If you are so afraid of "human suffering" why don't you sell those antiaircraft missiles?

六○三营的特别武器包括假的飞机、坦克车、高射炮。The special weapons of the battalion included dummy planes, tanks, and antiaircraft guns.

它提供了高射压制武器的准确的动态性能数据。In this way it can provide data on the dynamic characteristics of suppressive antiaircraft weapons.

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其他重武器,像防空导弹和反坦克导弹,都在首都附近缴获的。The heaviest weapons, such as antiaircraft and antitank missiles, came from around the capital itself.

我军目前低空防空武器装备主要是防空导弹和高炮。The antiaircraft missile and anti-aircraft artillery is our army's main low-altitude air defense weaponry.

以红外末敏感子弹药为对象,研究了红外末敏感子弹药的目标捕获方法与引战配合。This text aims at the antiaircraft weapon material, analyzes the key technique of the fuze warhead matching.

2011年3月7日,在拉斯维拉夫镇发生的一起空袭中,利比亚反叛军士兵跑向一架高射炮前以躲避爆炸。Rebel fighters run for cover in front of an antiaircraft gun during an air strike in Ras Lanuf March 7, 2011.

本文研究的内容是利用DSP芯片实现火控随动系统的实时处理。The contents of this paper is to realize the real time manipulation of antiaircraft gun system with DSP chip.

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防空C3I系统是一复杂大系统,借助建模和仿真手段对其进行研究是唯一的途径。Antiaircraft C3I system is a complicate large system. Using models and simulation is the only way to study it.

结论对其他口径高炮的射弹飞行时间拟合也基本适用。The conclusion can also be applied to fit the shell flight-time of other caliber antiaircraft guns on the whole.

武器包括二挺双联-14.5毫米防空机枪,或二座61型双联-25毫米高射炮。Weapons include two dual-14.5mm antiaircraft machine guns, or two Type 61 dual-25mm antiaircraft artillery guns.