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透明集群POJO。Cluster POJOs transparently.

你可以修改透明度和流量。You can work transparently or opaquely.

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这种转移对于用户或应用程序是透明的。This is performed transparently to the user or application.

那么,如何在代码中透明地支持所有这些参数集呢?So, how do you transparently support all of them in your code?

印度的文官政府以透明、负责的方式行使职能。India's civilian government functions transparently and accountably.

应用的写被透明地重定向到这个临时文件。Application writes are transparently redirected to this temporary local file.

物化视图作为复制品,提供了数据的本地访问。The optimizer transparently rewrites the request to use the materialized view.

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确保各级红会项目资源得到有效利用和透明管理。Ensure project resources at all levels are utilized effectively and managed transparently.

最终,我必须确认本真的自我,由此清楚地看到我是什么和我是谁。In the end, I must affirm my authentic self, and thereby see transparently what and who I am.

总之,当您需要明显的修改或路由消息时,就需要使用中介来实现。In summary, a mediation should be used when you need to transparently modify or route messages.

我不喜欢这样一个事实,即FOTA解决方案的代表并不涉及透明的东西,“他补充说。"I don't like the fact that a FOTA representative didn't relate things transparently , " he added.

然后,以对客户尽可能透明的方式供应和管理这些虚拟资源。These virtual-type resources are then provisioned and managed as transparently as possible to the client.

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当本地服务不可用时,将请求透明地重路由到其他地方的服务提供者。When a local service is unavailable, requests are transparently rerouted to a service provider elsewhere.

NET会将相关的服务器端对象的状态信息进行编码,并透明地将这些信息填到一些隐藏字段随页面返回。NET encodes and stuffs the state of server-side objects into a few hidden, and transparently created, fields.

收到的任何救助物品全被列在一个大板上,并且在主持的监督下公开分给大家。Everything received as aid was listed on a big board and transparently distributed under the supervision of the priest.

如果会出现更多的联邦政府住房补贴——我希望不会——那它们也应该被立法公开进行。If there are to be more federal housing subsidies — and I hope there are not — they should be legislated transparently.

用户透明地指定JVM和Terracotta之间共享的对象,使它们都能获取这些对象。The user nominates objects that are to be shared between JVMs and Terracotta transparently makes them accessible to all.

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而在Erlang中不需要使用循环,因为尾递归函数会被自动优化在固定的空间中运行。In Erlang there is no need for loops because tail recursive functions are transparently optimized to run in constant space.

成员的启动或停止过程能够对应用透明,这样应用就不知道数据库的变化。Members can be started or quiesced transparently to the application such that the application is unaware a change has occurred.

该工具可以被透明和不中断的部署到分片、非分片和复制MySQL环境中。The widgetry is supposed to deploy transparently and non-disruptively into unsharded, sharded and replicated MySQL environments.