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自从1995年以来,埃米尔・哈马德・本・哈利法・阿勒萨尼统治卡塔尔。Since 1995, Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani has ruled Qatar.

1975年8月,巴林君主以皇家敕令解散了国会。In August 1975, the emir dissolved the parliament by royal decree.

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天空体育检验了瑞典最火热的新星埃米尔-巴伊拉米。The Sky Sports Scout checks on Sweden's hottest new prospect Emir Bajrami.

选民将从75名代表里面选出50人,其余的代表由埃米尔任命。Voters will choose 50 of the 75 deputies. The Emir will nominate the rest.

一旦议会产生威胁,埃米尔就会解散议会或辞去某些政府官员。When it threatens to, the emir dissolves parliament or the government resigns.

反向种族主义于埃米尔·库斯图里卡的电影在西方的成功起了至关重要的作用。Reverse racism plays a crucial role in the success of Emir Kusturica's films in the West.

本周四,奥巴马总统在总统办公室与卡塔尔首相哈马德本哈利法阿勒萨尼举行了会晤。On Thursday, President Obama hosted Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani of Qatar for a meeting in the Oval Office.

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科威特已故埃米尔贾比尔·艾哈迈德·萨巴赫的侄子他拉·纳赛尔·萨巴赫,因走私毒品,近日被科威特法庭判处死刑。Talal Nasser al-Sabah, nephew of a previous Emir of Kuwait, Jaber al-Sabah, was sentenced to death for drug smuggling.

当他父亲在瑞士度假时,他从他父亲哈利法・本・哈马德・阿勒萨尼的手中夺取了政权。He seized control of the country from his father Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani while the old Emir holidayed in Switzerland.

诸如宗教领导地位的竞争会导致叛乱,并且对于他残暴的追随者而言,扎卡维是一个真正的埃米尔。Such rebellions benefit from having charismatic leaders, and Mr Zarqawi was a godlike emir to his bloodthirsty followers.

他们的位置由顾问理事会制度化,这是任命辅助埃米尔制订政策的团体。Their position was institutionalized in the Advisory Council, an appointed body that assists the Emir in formulating policy.

哈米德赫萨利姆萨巴赫委员,科威特王室,孙子已故科威特埃米尔谢赫贾比尔艾哈迈德萨巴赫。Hamed Salem Al-Sabah, Member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family, Grandson of the late Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al Sabah.

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如果没有儿子确定为当然继承人,统治特权须移交至埃米尔确定为当然继承人的家族成员。In the case that there is no such son, the prerogatives of rule shall pass to the member of the family named by the Emir as Heir Apparent.

“人权监督”谴责卡特尔因为其诗人默罕默德·阿加米散布据信对现任埃米尔有煽动性和攻击性的诗句而监禁他。Human rights monitors decry the imprisonment of a Qatari poet, Mohammed al-'Ajami, for spreading verse deemed seditious and insulting to the emir.

埃米尔的角色一直受到持续咨询传统的影响,其还包括共识管辖,和公民有权向埃米尔亲自请求。The Emir"s role is influenced by continuing traditions of consultation, rule by consensus, and the citizen"s right to appeal personally to the Emir.

同时,考虑到内部的合法性问题,巴林君主伊萨·本·萨尔曼·阿勒哈里发宣布他将会建立一个民选议会。Meanwhile, concerned with internal legitimacy, the emir of Bahrain, Isa bin Salman al-Khalifa, announced that he would establish an elected parliament.

这个月早些时候,奥巴马和卡塔尔埃米尔哈马德.本.哈利法.阿勒萨尼讨论了利比亚的问题、地区事态发展以及以色列和巴勒斯坦和平进程等问题。Earlier this month, Obama and Qatar's Emir Hamad Bin Kahlifa al-Thani discussed Libya, other regional developments and the Israel-Palestinian peace process.

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同日,胡锦涛在沙特第二大港口城市达曼会见了沙特东部地区埃米尔穆罕默德,还参观了沙特阿拉伯石油公司。On the same day, Hu met with Emir of Eastern Region Muhammad Bin Fahd in Dammam, the second largest port city of Saudi Arabia, and visited the oil company Saudi Aramco.

随着国王对谢赫·纳赛尔再次任命,并随着议会一定会重提针对他的一些猛烈的批评,政治舞台看起来又恢复了硝烟。With the emir having again reappointed Sheikh Nasser, and with the returning parliament sure to include some of his loudest critics, the stage looks set for a resumption of clashes.

谢赫·萨巴赫·艾哈迈德,在2006年成为国王,拥有行使授予家庭成员高层内阁职位的特权,他反复选举他的侄子,谢赫·纳赛尔·穆罕默德担任总理。Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad, who became emir in 2006, has exercised his privilege of giving family members top cabinet posts, repeatedly choosing his nephew, Sheikh Nasser Muhammad, as prime minister.