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他是这个车间的车间主任。He is head of the workshop.

车间增加电缆井。Cable well added in workshop.

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网络销售训练营地过5关A 5-Step Sales Training Workshop

这是一个为期两天的研习会。This will be a two-day workshop.

他的庄园里建了一个工场。A workshop was built on his estate.

这地方做车间倒行。This place would do for a workshop.

他在车间里总是磨洋工。He always lies down in the workshop.

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她是我们车间的主心骨。She is the mainstay of our workshop.

1956年她有了自己的工作室。Since 1956-She has her own workshop.

生产方形木柱的车间。Workshop for producing square beams.

这个专题研讨会只是个开始。And this workshop was just the start.

懒汉的头脑是魔鬼的旅游管理考研工厂。An idle brain is the devil's workshop.

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懒汉的头脑是魔鬼的工厂。An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.

他总是在工场工作着。He was always at work in the workshop.

嬾汉的头脑是魔鬼的工厂。An sleepy head is the devil's workshop.

这里是范蠡陶坊。Here is the Pottery Workshop of Fan Li.

达芬奇在1477年建立了自己的工作室。Leonado set up his own workshop in 1477.

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熔化的金属溢流到外面的板石上。This workshop melts down the metal scrap.

温戴尔还能夺回他的机器人工作室吗?Will he be able to win back his workshop?

工人们选他当车间主任。The workers made him head of the workshop.