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我们在班上讲过诺斯替教。I've talked in the class about Gnosticism.

灵知主义并不能被描述为“自我救赎”。Gnosticism cannot be described as "self-salvation."

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诺斯替教经由埃及传到西方世界。Gnosticism reached the Western world through Egypt.

但是灵知主义反对对基督教持有一种历史主义的视角。But Gnosticism is opposed to an historicist view of Christianity.

乔纳斯把灵知主义定义为一种二元论的,拒绝世界秩序的现象。Jonas defined gnosticism as a dualistic, world-rejecting phenomenon.

这种“经典灵知主义”的形式仅仅是诸种不同倾向中的一种。This form of "classical gnosticism" is only one of many different currents.

这种对灵知主义的错误解读意味着异教研究的某种现代变种。This misinterpretation of Gnosticism amounts to a modern variant of heresiology.

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这让一些学者提出,他是在说某种诺斯替主义吗?Again,that's led some scholars to say is he talking about some kind of Gnosticism?

柏拉图主义本身可以被称为原始诺斯替,也就是诺斯替之前的诺斯替。Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is,Gnosticism before Gnosticism.

这一对“灵知主义”的定义走得太远以至于包含了任何试图改革社会的努力。Such a definition stretches "Gnosticism" so far as to include any effort at social reform.

基督教教义的发展很大程度上是反对诺斯替派的反应。The development of Christian doctrine was to a large extent a reaction against Gnosticism.

诺斯替主义是谴责基督教神学依,西波吕,并良。Gnosticism was denounced by the Christian theologians Irenaeus, Hippolytus, and Tertullian.

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对诺斯替教的神学思索以及卡巴拉占数学为他的小说情节提供了许多灵感。The theological speculations of Gnosticism and the Cabala gave ideas for many of his plots.

学者将一些共有的基本主题,称为基本诺斯替主义。What scholars will call basic Gnosticism includes some basic themes that they hold in common.

诺斯底主义的后果之一,就是在所传和所做之间有道德的断层。One of the consequences of Gnosticism was a moral gap between what you preached and how you lived.

诺斯替教秘而不宣,然而,对于少数理解它的思想的人来说,它依然是灵感的源泉。Gnosticism remained a source of inspiration, however, for the few who knew of its ideas, which were kept secret.

如果沃格林对灵知主义的攻击是为了掩盖极权主义的真正起源的修辞把戏,又会如何呢?What if Voegelin's attacks on Gnosticism were a rhetorical deception to disguise the true origins of totalitarianism?

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它包含五个诗词诺斯替主义和诺斯替教派的著作的启发,如死海古卷和拿格哈马蒂文件。It contains five poems inspired by Gnosticism and Gnostics writings, e. g. Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi documents.

在这封信以及大量的后来著作中,沃格林混淆了灵知主义与“历史末世论”或千禧年主义。In this letter and in much of his later work, Voegelin confuses Gnosticism and "historical eschatology" or millennialism.

正如已被证明的那样,将几乎所有现代社会的坏事无都归结为“灵知主义”有着有趣的谱系。As it turns out, the attribution of virtually everything bad in the modern world to "Gnosticism" has an interesting genealogy.