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今天下地干活要用铁耙了。A rake made of iron.

那耙子是做什么用的?。What's that rake for?

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他将其称为“浪荡子”。He calls it being a "rake."

不要再翻旧帐。Do not rake up old grievances.

请用耙子把花园的小路耙平。Rake the garden paths, please.

把地上的废料耙在一起。Rake up the trash on the ground.

那么你怎样才能打扮得像一个浪荡公子哥?So how do you dress like a rake?

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我想他每周能赚到500镑。I think he can rake in £500 a week.

一名糟糕的园丁怪怨他的耙子。A bad gardener quarrels with his rake.

耙子与叶子一接触就奏出了音乐。There was music as I put rake to leaf.

他是声名狼藉的赌徒和浪荡子。He was notorious as a gambler and rake.

用耙子把树叶推成一个又大又高的堆。Rake the leaves into a large, tall pile.

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要耙大雄鹿在您的企业?Want to Rake in Big Bucks in Your Business?

我拿了把古老的生锈的耙子去耙叶子。With an ancient, rusty rake I went to work.

用耙子把叶子收在一起堆在汽车库旁边。Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage.

把院子里的垃圾耙在一起,烧了它。Rake up the trashes in the yard and burn it.

运动场的看台坡度很大。The stands at the sports ground rake steeply.

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把花园的耙子放在车两边。Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.

耙式浓缩机是理想的原矿脱泥设备。Rake thickener is the idea de slime equipments.

你为何非提他的政治历史不可?Why did you have to rake over his political past?