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斯特拉斯克莱德大学的心理学家阿尔斯达尔•罗丝说,男性觉得,有个漂亮的妻子让很有面子。Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross said many men enjoyed the prestige of having a beautiful wife.

斯特拉斯克莱德大学的心理学家阿尔斯达尔·罗丝说,很多男性觉得,有个漂亮的妻子让自己很有面子。Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross said many men enjoyed the prestige of having a beautiful wife."Men

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斯特拉斯克莱德大学的选举学家约翰·柯蒂斯表示,苏格兰选民分为三个规模大致相同的阵营。John Curtice, a psephologist at Strathclyde University, says that Scots divide into three roughly equally-sized camps.

斯特拉斯克莱德警局的德特皮特麦克派克警官负责了调查安妮的失踪谋杀案件。Det Ch Insp Peter McPike from Strathclyde Police led the police investigation into Anne Brown's disappearance and murder.

具有500年悠久历史的克莱德河轮渡将在3月份停运,因为它的运营商斯特拉斯克莱德航运合伙公司需要缩减支出。The 500-year-old service will stop running in March because operators Strathclyde Partnership for Transport said it needs to save money.

英国斯特莱斯克莱德大学的科学家们日前发明出了一种智能食品包装袋,人们可以通过观察该包装袋来判断其内食品是否变质。Scientists from Strathclyde University, UK, have created an intelligent food wrapping that can tell people if the contents are going bad.

她毕业于英国Strathclyde大学商学院,拥有国际市场营销硕士学位。She recently moved back Beijing from UK, where she studied for her master degree in International Marketing at the University of Strathclyde.

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Doherty是苏格兰格拉斯哥Strathclyde大学的一名学生,只有19岁,但是他已经有了足够的经验。Doherty, a student at The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, may only be 19 years old, but he has plenty of experience under his belt.

来宾主要参观了基于该学校的生物工程中心创立的斯特莱斯克莱德医药设备研究所,并就该领域的研究工作进行了探讨。The visit included a tour of the Strathclyde Institute for Medical Devices, based in the University's Bioengineering Unit, to discuss research in the field.

他从英国斯特莱斯克莱德大学获得法律硕士学位,其后工作曾涉及会计、金融、咨询等不同领域,并在管理岗位上拥有17年的工作经验。He had a Master Degree in law from Strathclyde University, after which he entered the fields of accounting, finance, consulting, and extends into general management roles for the last 17 years.